Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Options


Compensation for wrongful imprisonment can come from the state or through a civil lawsuit against responsible parties. For personal background checks, contact local law enforcement. The North Carolina Industrial Commission typically handles workers compensation claims.

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Nice to meet you, Don Boss. Could you please describe the legal issue you're facing?
Who is Dennis Herndon
I'm sorry, but I need more context to assist you. Is Dennis Herndon related to a legal issue you're facing?
Is Dennis Herndon a registered sex offender
I'm sorry, but as a legal information provider, I'm unable to assist with personal background checks. You may want to contact your local law enforcement agency for this information.
Who can compensate me for wrongful imprisonment
Can you provide more details about your case? Generally, compensation for wrongful imprisonment can come from the state or through a civil lawsuit against the parties responsible.
Can I call the North Carolina industrial commission and file a claim
Yes, you can contact the North Carolina Industrial Commission to file a claim. However, it's typically for workers' compensation. For wrongful imprisonment, you may need a different route.