Arson Investigation Procedures Montana


Securing a suspected arson scene and promptly collecting evidence is crucial to avoid contamination. If procedures are not followed, it may compromise the investigation. Consult a local attorney or your insurance company if you suspect improper handling. Additionally, filming a minor with a no-stalking order against an adult and posting it online may violate the order and local laws. Report such incidents to law enforcement.

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in montana would it be proper procedure in a suspected case of arson to not take any samples from the day of the fire, to leave the crime scene unattended and open with multiple people going in and out and then 6 days later have the investigator and the insurance company come and take samples and make a determination, would the crime scene not be corrupted being left open with people going in it?
Generally, it's essential to secure a suspected arson scene and collect evidence promptly to avoid contamination. However, actual procedures can vary based on local laws and regulations. If you suspect improper procedure, you may want to consult with a local attorney or your insurance company for advice.
if a minor has a no stalking order against an adult in the state of montana and then that adult films that minor and posts video on facebook would that not be stalking or against the law in someway for filming a minor in the first place without consent?
Hello Charles, in Washington and many other states:
- It may be considered a violation of the no-contact order if the adult films and posts videos of the minor online.
- It could also be potentially illegal and invasive for an adult to film a minor without their consent.
However, specifics can depend on local laws. It's advisable to report this to law enforcement.