Police Procedure For Warrants


If a police officer in Michigan runs a license plate and finds an active felony warrant, the individual may be arrested immediately. Officers may use firearms if the situation is deemed dangerous. The vehicle could be searched and impounded. If a minor is present, law enforcement will try to find a responsible adult to care for them. If no family is available, Child Protective Services might be notified.

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In Michigan, if a police officer runs your mom's license plate and discovers she has a warrant, here's what could occur:
- She can be arrested on the spot
- The vehicle may be searched
- The vehicle could potentially be impounded
Remember, these are general guidelines and can vary based on the specific situation.
Will she be pulled over and arrested
In Michigan, if a police officer runs a license plate and it shows an active warrant, they have the authority to pull over the vehicle and arrest the individual with the warrant. However, the actual course of action may depend on the specifics of the situation.
Will they call her out of the car with guns
Generally, the use of firearms during an arrest is dictated by the nature of the warrant and the perceived threat level. If the warrant is for a violent crime or the person is considered dangerous, officers may draw their weapons. However, every situation is unique.
She has a felony warrant
If your mom has a felony warrant in Michigan, the situation could escalate. Here's what might happen:
- Officers may draw their weapons for their safety
- She'll likely be arrested on the spot
- The vehicle may be searched and potentially impounded
Again, these are general guidelines and each case varies.
What happens when they call her out of the car
When the police call her out of the car in Michigan due to a felony warrant, typically they would:
- Ask her to exit the vehicle
- Conduct a pat-down or search for weapons
- Handcuff her and inform her of her rights
- Arrest and transport her to the station
Each scenario can vary based on specifics.
Will she be put in shackles
In Michigan, whether someone is placed in shackles after an arrest largely depends on the specifics of the situation, such as the nature of the warrant and perceived threat level. Generally, for a felony warrant, shackles may be used for transportation and court appearances to ensure safety.
Will she have leg cuffs on
In Michigan, leg cuffs or shackles are typically used during transportation or court appearances for individuals with a felony warrant. However, the use of these restraints is subject to the discretion of law enforcement and the specifics of the case.
Will they arrest her in front of me im *
If you're present during the arrest, the police will likely still proceed. However, they should ensure your safety and wellbeing. Are there any adults who could be with you during this time?
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. If you're alone when your mom is arrested, police officers usually try to find a responsible adult to take care of you. If that's not possible, Child Protective Services might be notified. Do you have any trusted neighbors or family friends you can call?
Yes Taylor Timmerman is my neighbor will she be contacted to come get me
In Michigan, if no immediate family is available, law enforcement may contact a responsible adult, like your neighbor Taylor Timmerman, to provide temporary care. But, you should reach out to her beforehand to ensure she is aware of the situation.
What happens when she comes to get me
If Taylor Timmerman, your neighbor, comes to get you, she will likely provide temporary care for you until a more permanent solution is figured out. You should feel free to discuss your feelings and concerns with her. Are you comfortable with this arrangement?
That's good to hear. Remember, it's important to have open communication with Taylor about your situation and feelings. If you have more questions or need further legal information, feel free to ask. Are there any other concerns you would like me to help with?