Court Ordered Restitution Payment
If you are court-ordered to pay victim restitution and have been served a petition for a money judgment, you need to file an answer at the court clerks office. Bring all necessary documents, including the petition and proof of payment. You must also serve a copy to the petitioner yourself.Full Conversation
I was court ordered to pay victim restitution. I was served a petition for a money judgment but I already made a payment
Hello Jennifer, to provide the most accurate information, I need to know your location. Laws can vary by jurisdiction.
I have to appear and answer but I don’t know how
Hi Jennifer, based on your location, you need to:
- File an 'Answer' to the 'Petition' at the court clerk's office.
- Serve a copy to the petitioner.
- Keep a copy for your records.
Do you know your nearest court's location?
I can just go to the court clerks office and answer ?
Yes, Jennifer. You can go to the court clerk's office to file your answer. You should bring all necessary documents, including the petition you were served and proof of your previous payment.
Without efiling
Yes, Jennifer, without e-filing, you can physically go to the court clerk's office for document submission. Remember to make copies for your records and for the petitioner.
So they will efile my answer
No, Jennifer. If you submit your answer at the court clerk's office, they will not e-file it for you. You will need to serve a copy to the petitioner yourself.