Filing Stalking Charges Guide


In Pennsylvania, you may consider filing for a Protection From Abuse (PFA) order if you feel threatened. Also, if shes accessing unauthorized educational records, it might violate FERPA law. Legal steps you could consider: File a PFA order, report FERPA violation, and consult a lawyer for defamation if false claims are made. Remember, this is just general advice. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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I want to know if I should file stalking charges
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with this. In order to provide the most accurate advice, could you please provide more details about the situation? Also, your location will be helpful in understanding the specific laws that apply.
I live in Pa, my husbands ex wife will contact him roughly every 3 months, he ignores her. About 6 months ago we found out she got a job right next door to his daughter’s school. She than looked up his daughters education records. (She is not her mother) now she looked up my social media account and when I asked her to stop she threatened to sue me
In Pennsylvania, you may consider filing for a Protection From Abuse (PFA) order if you feel threatened. Also, if she's accessing unauthorized educational records, it might violate FERPA law. Legal steps you could consider:
- File a PFA order
- Report FERPA violation
- Consult a lawyer for defamation if false claims are made.
Remember, this is just general advice. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.