Legal Counsel For Witnesses


If you are a secondary witness to a sexual assault allegation, its crucial to report what you heard to the relevant authorities. While you might not need legal counsel immediately, consulting a lawyer can help protect your rights and ensure you handle the situation correctly.

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Looking to see at what point a lawyer would recommend getting council for a witness of heresy to a minor and adult sexual assault allegation.
Hello ****. First, it's important to understand that any allegations of sexual assault are serious. A lawyer would likely advise you to get counsel immediately if you're a witness. This ensures your rights are protected. May I know your location to provide more specific information?
I didn’t witness any of the instances I was the person the student that heard about it came to.
Hi ****, in this case, you're considered a secondary witness. You might not need legal counsel, but it's best to report what you heard to the relevant authorities. Could you please share your location for more specific advice?