Ghosting Legal Implications Explained


Ghosting someone is not a criminal offense in the Philippines. However, if there are threats or extortion involved, legal action could be taken. Extortion involves obtaining money through threats, and blackmail involves coercion by threatening to reveal information. Both are criminal offenses under the Revised Penal Code. If someone threatens to defame you online, you may consider filing a cyber libel case under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012. Penalties for these offenses can include imprisonment and fines. It is advisable to consult a lawyer to understand your legal standing and prepare for any potential legal action.

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If she accuses you of threats or extortion, it could be a serious matter. Here are some points to consider:
- Extortion involves obtaining money or property through force or threats.
- Threats can be criminal if they cause fear of harm to a person or property.
It's advisable to consult a lawyer to understand your legal standing and to prepare for any potential legal action. Do you have any more details about the threats or extortion claims she might make?
she threatens me that if i don't communicate with her because i no longer like her for extorting me money? am i liable or she is? what case can i file?
If she is threatening you for not giving her money, you may file a case for extortion or blackmail. In the Philippines, extortion is a criminal offense under the Revised Penal Code.
- Extortion: Obtaining money through threats.
- Blackmail: Coercing someone to pay money or perform an act by threatening to reveal information.
You might consider consulting a lawyer to guide you through the process.
tell me about extortion & blackmail law under revised penal code?
Under the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines:
- Extortion (Article *-*): Involves obtaining money or property through force, violence, or intimidation. Penalties include imprisonment and fines.
- Blackmail (Article *): Coercing someone to do something or to give money by threatening to reveal information. Penalties include imprisonment.
Do you have any other questions or need further clarification on these laws?
she also threaten me that she will defame me on facebook. what other law suit that i can file against her?
You can file a case for cyber libel under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of * (RA *). Here are the details:
- Cyber Libel: Defamation committed through computer systems or other similar means.
- Penalties: Imprisonment and fines.
Would you like more details on how to proceed with filing this case?