Legal Steps After Assault


If you experience an assault, report the incident to local law enforcement, seek a protective order, and consult a local attorney for personalized advice. Your safety is paramount.

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April of * an ex threw a bowl and me but missed then put his hands around my neck which I immediately pushed him off and left the house. I want to know at this point what steps I can take regarding this incident.
I'm sorry to hear about your experience. It sounds like a serious situation. If you feel comfortable, could you please share your location? The steps you can take can vary depending on local laws.
Rochester NY
I'm sorry you're dealing with this. Here's what you can do in Rochester, NY:
*. Report the incident to local law enforcement immediately.
*. Consider seeking a protective order.
*. Consult with a local attorney for more personalized advice.
Remember, your safety is paramount.
Thank you
You're welcome! If you have any other questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask. Please stay safe.