Fbi Investigation Legal Queries


The user asked about the legality of the FBI using investigative drugs, which is generally considered a violation of constitutional rights. They also inquired about the requirements for an attempted murder charge in Massachusetts, which includes a specific intention to commit murder and a substantial step towards committing the act. The user was informed about the potential penalties for crimes such as bribery, extortion, and breaking and entering. They were also advised to contact the Committee for Public Counsel Services (CPCS) for legal representation and the ACLU for concerns about FBI misconduct. The user was reminded that the prosecution must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, which generally requires substantial evidence.

Full Conversation

is the FBI allowed to use investigative drugs on people they investigate?
As a general rule, the FBI is not allowed to administer drugs to individuals under investigation. This could potentially violate various constitutional rights such as the right to privacy and against self-incrimination. However, each case can have unique circumstances, so it's always best to consult with a legal professional.
isnt it cruel and unusual punishment
Yes, Dana. The Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. If the FBI or any law enforcement agency uses investigative drugs without consent, it could be considered a violation of this amendment.
the FBI said they saw in my head pictures of gun, home, taxi, and people- is that enough for an attempted murder charge? Dont they need an overt act?
Answer: In Massachusetts, to charge someone with attempted murder, the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant specifically intended to commit the act of murder and took a substantial step towards committing the act. Simply having images wouldn't typically constitute a substantial step.
where can i obtain a free criminal lawyer in MA *
In Massachusetts, you can contact the Committee for Public Counsel Services (CPCS) to request a public defender. Here's their contact info:

Committee for Public Counsel Services Norwood Office

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * East Street, Dedham, MA *
Website: www.publiccounsel.net
is their a day in the year that celebrates bribery awareness
While there is no specific day that celebrates bribery awareness, December * is recognized as International Anti-Corruption Day. This day promotes awareness about corruption, including bribery, and the role of the United Nations Convention against Corruption in combating and preventing it.
dont you need an overt act inorder to consider something attempted murder
Yes, in Massachusetts, proving attempted murder requires demonstrating that the person had a specific intention to commit murder and took a substantial step (an overt act) towards doing so. Mere thoughts or images are generally not considered substantial steps.
dude the fbi abuses their power
I understand your concerns. It's important to remember that any alleged misuse of power can be reported and reviewed. In Massachusetts, you may contact the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for assistance.

ACLU of Massachusetts

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Congress St, Boston, MA *
Website: www.aclum.org

if someone cant remember all of what happend on a certain day and the FBI is accusing them of homicide what can happen?
If the FBI is accusing someone of homicide, and the person can't fully remember the events of the day in question, it becomes a matter of evidence. The prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the individual committed the crime. This typically requires substantial evidence, not just fragmented memories.
whats substantial evidence
Substantial evidence refers to evidence that a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion. It is more than a mere scintilla but less than a preponderance. It's the level of proof often required in administrative proceedings for a finding or conclusion.
if I had ring worm when the patient died and its in my medical record howeveer the FBI is claiming I had a staph infection n they r saying thats how the patient died whos right
If your medical records indicate you had ringworm but the FBI is claiming you had a staph infection, the conflict would likely need to be resolved in court. A medical expert might be needed to testify about the infections and their potential effects.
they have a picture of my hands and it only had blood on it. staph is yellow
It seems you believe the evidence presented by the FBI is incorrect. Have you considered bringing this up with your defense attorney or the public defender assigned to you by the CPCS? They can help clarify this matter in court.
whats cpcs
CPCS stands for Committee for Public Counsel Services. It's the public defender agency for Massachusetts, providing legal representation for those unable to afford an attorney in criminal and certain civil cases.
what is an overt act
An overt act, in legal terms, refers to an action that can be clearly proved by evidence and demonstrates a person's intent to commit a crime. It's a significant step towards committing the crime, beyond mere preparation or planning.
do u mean like they took a psyhical step
An overt act doesn't necessarily mean a physical step. It refers to any clear action that shows an intention to commit a crime, such as purchasing a weapon for an assault or sending a threatening message. It's more than just planning or thinking about the crime.
how much jail time can u get for bribery
In Massachusetts, bribery is considered a serious crime. Potential punishments include:
- Imprisonment in state prison for up to 10 years, or
- Imprisonment in a jail or house of correction for up to *.5 years, or
- A fine of up to $*,*.
Remember, each case is unique and actual sentencing may vary.
how bout extortion
In Massachusetts, the consequences for extortion can be severe. Here are the potential punishments:
- Up to 15 years in state prison, or
- Up to *.5 years in a county jail, or
- A fine of up to $*,*.
Note: Each case is unique and actual sentencing may vary.
attempted murder
In Massachusetts, attempted murder is a serious charge. Penalties can include:
- Up to 20 years in state prison
- Probation and fines
Remember, each case is unique, and actual sentencing may vary. It's crucial to have legal representation in such matters.
how about breaking and entering into a pharmacy
In Massachusetts, breaking and entering into a pharmacy could be considered burglary, which is a felony. Penalties may include:
- Up to 20 years in state prison
- Fines
Please consult a legal professional for advice tailored to your specific circumstances.
how about an illegal investigation
In Massachusetts, if you believe an investigation is being conducted illegally, you have the right to file a complaint with the relevant oversight body or seek legal advice. For suspected FBI misconduct, you can contact the FBI's Office of Inspector General.

Office of the Inspector General

Phone: (*) *-*
Website: www.oig.justice.gov
isnt it enough to say im innoceent if the picture only had blood on it and my medical records said i had ring worm
Claiming innocence based on a picture and medical records is a start, but it's not definitive proof. The court will consider all available evidence. It's important to discuss this with your attorney. They can best advise on how to present your case.
whats definitive prrof
Definitive proof means evidence that is so strong it leaves no room for doubt about the truth of a claim or allegation. It's evidence that can establish a fact or sustain a judgment independently of any other evidence.
the FBI is using drugs to proove it and there drug makes me look like i did it when i didnt
If you believe the FBI is using illegal methods in their investigation, you should inform your legal representative immediately. They can help protect your rights and challenge any potential misconduct.
have you ever heard of the FBI using investigative drugs
The use of investigative drugs by any law enforcement agency, including the FBI, is generally considered a violation of constitutional rights. If you suspect such activity, you should contact your attorney or, in Massachusetts, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

ACLU of Massachusetts

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Congress St, Boston, MA *
Website: www.aclum.org
one day I was late to work and I was picking my skin on the way to work because I was stressed out about my boss. When I got to work I got scared of my boss so I ran to my desk without washing my hands and filled for * minutes. They FBI is claiming that someone died because of this however their is no proof of when I filled those scripts compared to when the patient died
It sounds like a complex situation. To clarify, are you being accused of causing harm due to the alleged contamination of prescriptions?
yes they are accusing me but its wrong
I understand this must be difficult for you. In Massachusetts, the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that your actions directly caused harm. I'd recommend discussing this with your legal representative for counsel tailored to your specific situation.
dont they need proof of when the hand picture happend compared to when the patient died
Yes, in general, the prosecution would need to establish a clear timeline linking your actions to the patient's death. Evidence like time-stamped photos could be crucial. But remember, this is a complex situation and you should discuss it with your attorney.
what if the photoo isnt time stamped
If the photo isn't time-stamped, its relevance and the context in which it was taken could be questioned. It's essential to bring this to your attorney's attention. Remember, the burden of proof lies with the prosecution.
if you cant remember a part of it can u be charged
Absolutely, a person can be charged with a crime even if they can't fully remember the events. However, in Massachusetts and elsewhere, the prosecution must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. This generally requires substantial evidence.
what do you mean the burder of proof lies with the prosecution
"The burden of proof lies with the prosecution" means that it's the prosecution's responsibility to prove the accused person's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. They must present enough convincing evidence to support their charges. If they can't, the accused should be found not guilty.
im not understanding why me being diagnosed with ringworm during the time this happend isnt sufficiant to say im innocent
Your diagnosis could be relevant to your defense. However, it's not definitive proof of innocence. The court considers all evidence collectively. It's crucial to discuss this with your lawyer, who can best advise how to present your case.
the picture also shows that its only blood
Your attorney might consider using that picture as part of your defense. However, it's important to discuss this with them, as they'll understand how to best use this evidence in the context of your case.
not remembering a part can make me guilty? that makes no sense. I was fighting with my boss and I was scared of him that day and I remember that
Not remembering parts of an event does not automatically make you guilty. However, it can complicate your defense. It's crucial to share all details, including your fear of your boss, with your attorney. They can guide you on how to handle this in your case.
how many years in prison is bribery
In Massachusetts, the potential punishments for bribery include:
- Up to 10 years in state prison, or
- Up to *.5 years in a house of correction, or
- A fine of up to $*,*.
Remember, each case is unique and actual sentencing may depend on specific circumstances.
attempted murder
In Massachusetts, the penalties for attempted murder can include:
- Up to 20 years in state prison
- Probation and possible fines
Each case is unique, and actual sentencing may vary. It's critical to have legal representation in such cases.
In Massachusetts, extortion can lead to:
- Up to 15 years in state prison, or
- Up to *.5 years in a county jail, or
- A fine of up to $*,*.
Please note, each case is unique and actual sentencing may vary.
b & e
In Massachusetts, breaking and entering (B&E) can result in severe penalties, including:
- Up to 20 years in state prison for nighttime B&E
- Up to 10 years in state prison for daytime B&E
- Fines
Remember, each case is unique, and the actual sentencing may vary. Always consult a legal professional for advice tailored to your situation.
the fbi did all that
I understand your concerns. If you believe the FBI has acted improperly in your case, you should discuss this with your attorney. Additionally, you can file a complaint with the Office of Inspector General. Here are their contact details:

Office of the Inspector General

Phone: (*) *-*
Website: www.oig.justice.gov
whats the total years in prison for that
The maximum potential prison sentences for the crimes you mentioned in Massachusetts are as follows:
- Bribery: Up to 10 years
- Attempted Murder: Up to 20 years
- Extortion: Up to 15 years
- Breaking and Entering: Up to 20 years
Please note, these are maximum sentences and actual sentencing may vary. Always consult with a legal professional.