Setting Aside Theft Charge


In Nebraska, you may be eligible to set aside a theft charge if you have completed all sentences, including parole or probation. The process involves filing a motion in the court where you were convicted, followed by a hearing. The court has the discretion to grant or deny the motion. The process can be initiated from home, but you may need to appear in court. The duration varies and may take several months. Always consult a legal expert for personalized advice.

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want to know about getting a theft charge set aside in Nebraska it was under * it happened in * about?
Hello Gil, it seems you're interested in setting aside a theft charge in Nebraska. Under Nebraska law, some convictions can be set aside after a certain period of time.
• The waiting period is generally 3 years after the completion of your sentence.
• It also depends on the nature of the crime.
Could you please confirm that you have completed all your sentences (including parole or probation)?
yes all completed
Great, Gil. Given that your sentence was completed, in Nebraska you may be eligible to apply for the conviction to be set aside. Here's how:
• File a motion in the court where you were convicted.
• A hearing will be held.
• The decision is at the court's discretion.
Always consider legal advice for your specific situation.
ok so i can do all this from home or how long is the process
You can start the process from home by preparing the necessary documents. However, you may need to appear in court for the hearing. The process duration varies but it may take several months. Always consult with a legal expert for specifics.