New Job During House Arrest


If you are on house arrest in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and your objective is to maintain employment, you may be able to accept new job assignments. However, it is crucial to confirm this with your probation officer to ensure it does not violate the conditions of your house arrest.

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I went through a temp agency on house arrest & my assignment ended will i be allowed to get a new assignment immediately?
Hello J, the ability to accept new assignments may depend on the conditions of your house arrest and local laws. Could you please tell me your location to provide more accurate information?
pittsburgh, pennsylvania
Hello J, in Pennsylvania:
- The conditions of house arrest are determined by your probation officer.
- You should maintain regular contact with them about changes to your employment.
- If your house arrest conditions permit, you may accept a new ****ob assignment.
my house arrest ob****ectives are to obtain & or maintain employment. i went through a temp agency & my assignment ended , will i be able to get another assignment?
Hello J,
In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, if your house arrest ob****ectives include maintaining employment, you should be able to take up a new assignment. However, confirm this with your probation officer to ensure it doesn't violate your house arrest conditions.