Extradition Timeline Between States


Extradition laws vary, but generally, Nassau County has 30 days to arrange for the transfer after the person finishes their sentence in Florida. This period can be extended if justifiable reasons are provided. Osceola County should notify New York immediately after the person is taken into custody. The clock for Nassau County to arrange the transfer starts once the individual has finished their sentence in Florida. Consult a legal professional for precise information.

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So if someone is locked up in Osceola county Florida, but they have a hold in New York Nassau county how long does Nassau county have to come get them?
Extradition laws vary, but generally:
- Nassau County typically has 30 days to arrange for the transfer after the person finishes their sentence in Florida.
- This can be extended if justifiable reasons are provided.
Please consult with a legal professional for accurate advice.
so when does Osceola county let New York know that they have this person
Osceola County should notify New York immediately after the person is taken into custody. However, it's advisable to consult with a legal professional for more precise information.
Does New York’s time to come get them start as soon as they’re in custody in Florida
In general, the clock for Nassau County, New York to arrange the transfer starts once the individual has finished their sentence in Florida. However, exact procedures can vary. Please consult a legal professional for accurate advice.