Roommate Theft Legal Consequences


In Mississippi, theft of personal property, including a camera and a firearm, can lead to serious charges. Grand larceny applies if the stolen property is valued at $500 or more, while petit larceny applies if the value is less. Possession of a stolen firearm is a separate offense. Reporting the incident to local authorities is crucial, and verbal testimony can serve as evidence if physical evidence is unavailable. Consider starting a civil suit for theft and keep any evidence you have.

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my roommate is stealing from me and when i put up a security camera in my room, they took it down
Hello Melissa, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In Mississippi, it's illegal to steal personal property. Also, you have a right to privacy in your own room. Have you reported this to your local authorities?
I strongly recommend that you report this to your local police department. They can help you with your situation and provide resources. You can also consider starting a civil suit for theft. Make sure to keep any evidence you have.
i dont have any of the security footage anymore becuase they have the camera
That's unfortunate, Melissa. In Mississippi, a verbal testimony can also be considered evidence. I'd advise you to report the incident to your local authorities as soon as possible. They may be able to assist in recovering your camera.
what charges would the person receive for theft of a a camera and a pistol
In Mississippi, theft of a firearm and other property can result in the following charges:
- Grand Larceny if the stolen property is valued at $* or more.
- Petit Larceny if the property is valued less than $*.
- Possession of a Stolen Firearm is a separate offense.
Please report these incidents to your local authorities.