No Contact Order Violation


Bryan Lynch, located in Oregon, is facing charges for allegedly violating a no-contact order related to his divorce. He sent a text to his ex-spouse while the order was still active. He was under the impression that the order was no longer in effect. However, the extension order was valid until April 2024, and the text was sent in March 2023. Bryan was advised to consult with a lawyer as violation of a no-contact order in Oregon can lead to fines or jail time.

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Bryan Lynch
Nice to meet you, Bryan Lynch. Could you please describe the legal issue you're facing?
I got a letter that i was being charged for breaking a no contact order witng
What state are you located in, Bryan? This will help me provide the most accurate information regarding your situation.
oregon witch is where the order is out of but she filed in kansas witch i have no way of being in court, witch she knows
What is the nature of the no-contact order you allegedly violated?
What specific actions are you being accused of that allegedly violated the no-contact order?
On March * Id sent her one text asking to see my children id not seen for over a year, and I received a call from a someone after sending it saying they were a cop and because of the text i was going to jail, witch in turn made me attempt suicide and almost succeed because i have documented depresson and i have never been in any legal trouble let alone jail in my life. I havent attempted to talk to her since. i was also under the impe
What evidence do you have to support your claim that you didn't intentionally violate the no-contact order?
I was under the impresson the order was no longer in effect, because it was set for * Months but I may be wrong due tk
Do you have a copy of the no-contact order and the date it was issued? This will help determine if it was indeed expired at the time of the alleged violation.
I attempted to locate it but the only copy i have is the * One filed as a extention, i m
What is the date on the extension of the no-contact order you have?
That it had been filed?
Yes, the date it was filed. This will help determine if the order was active when you sent the text message.
April 16th
What is the duration mentioned in the extension order? This will help us determine if the order was still active on March 14th when you sent the text.
whats that ?
The duration in the extension order refers to the length of time the no-contact order is in effect. Can you please provide this information?
Let me get the order hold on
Sure, take your time. It's important to know the duration of the extension order to understand if the no-contact order was active when you sent the text.
April * * A year
What is the exact date of the text message you sent to your ex-spouse? This will help us determine if the no-contact order was still active at that time.
march * *
Based on the dates provided, it appears you violated the no-contact order. It's crucial to consult with a lawyer. In Oregon, violation can lead to fines or jail time.