Dropping Assault Case Guide


To drop an assault case in West Virginia, contact the prosecutors office and inform them of your intent. They may require a written statement, but the final decision to proceed with the case rests with the prosecutor. For more details, contact your local circuit court.

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I need help dropping a case
Hello ****, I'd be happy to guide you. Could you please share more details about the case and your location?
Ib was recently in an argument with my boyfriend, and my stepfather came over to my house. The * of them were in a piggyback altercation, and i was not involved. The states say that he assulted me, which did not happen. I need to drop this case asap!
Hello ****, to assist you better, could you please tell me where this incident happened? The laws and procedures for dropping a case can vary by location.
West virginia. *
Hello ****,
In West Virginia:
*. Contact the prosecutor's office
*. Inform them you want to drop the case
*. They might require a written statement
*. The decision to proceed remains with them
Contact your local circuit court for more information.
Hello ****,
That's the correct process. Remember, the prosecutor has the ultimate decision, but your statement can influence it. If you have more questions, feel free to ask.
You're welcome, ****. If you need further assistance or have any more questions in the future, don't hesitate to reach out. Best of luck with your case.