Trespass Warning And Traffic Stop


The user was stopped by police after leaving a grocery store in Sacramento, CA, where he was reportedly causing a verbal disturbance. The police intended to issue a trespass warning, but instead arrested the user for driving without a license. The user questioned the legality of the traffic stop and the issuance of a trespass warning after leaving the premises. The user was advised that in California, police typically cant stop a vehicle to issue a trespass warning unless theres a separate traffic violation. The user was also informed that a trespass warning can be issued even after leaving the property.

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Okay officers were dispatched to a verbal disturbance at the local grocery store where it was reportedly sexually harassing a female when officers arrived on the scene lost prevention advised that they wanted the person trespassed officers then had observed the person enter into his vehicle person being **** and had already driven away officers then initiated a traffic stop and which the driver was not unable to find a place to park safely officers then arrested the driver for driving without any license told the vehicle so the question is was there any duty to the driver to stop for the officers to enforce a trespass warning and is a trespass warning criminal or civil
What is your location, ****? Laws regarding trespass warnings and traffic stops can vary by jurisdiction.
Sacramento CA
What was the exact nature of the trespass warning given to you? In California, trespassing can be both a civil and criminal matter depending on the circumstances.
A warning
In California:

- Trespass warnings are generally civil matters.
- Failure to stop for police can result in criminal charges.
- Sacramento County Superior Court: (*) *-* for more information.
Please explain what was the probable cause for stopping the vehicle when the person who was going to be trespassed had already left w
What was the reason given by the officers for initiating the traffic stop? In general, police need a probable cause like a traffic violation to stop a vehicle.
To issue the trespass warning from the grocery store
In California, police can't typically stop a vehicle to issue a trespass warning unless there's a separate traffic violation. Consult a local attorney for specific advice.
Can you be legally detained for a warning of trespass after you've already left the establishment when asked
In California, generally, you cannot be detained for a trespass warning after leaving the premises unless there's a separate legal reason. Consult a local attorney for specific advice.
Can you be trespassed after you've left already
Yes, a trespass notice can be issued even after you've left the property. It prevents you from returning in the future. Can you tell me which state this is happening in?
What is the specific location of the incident in CA? In California, trespassing can result in a fine, imprisonment, or both, depending on the severity of the trespass.
Elk Grove
What was the nature of the trespassing incident?

In California, trespassing laws are outlined in Penal Code * PC. It can be charged as an infraction, misdemeanor, or felony.
What was the reason given for the trespass warning?
Verbal disturbens at a store
What was the nature of the verbal disturbance? Were there any threats or physical altercations involved?
No flirting
What was the context of this "no flirting" incident? Was it directed towards an employee or another customer?
Just flirting
Was the flirting perceived as harassment or did it make someone uncomfortable?
Maybe was not told that
Did the store provide any written documentation or notice regarding the trespass warning?
Did you receive any form of communication from law enforcement regarding this incident?
Yes they pulled me over while driving home
What were the reasons given by the law enforcement for pulling you over?
To serve me a trespass warning
What was the exact content of the trespass warning served by the law enforcement?
They never gave me one instead they arrested me for driving without license
What were the circumstances that led to you driving without a license?
My license was suspended
Why was your license suspended?
What were the details of your DUI incident?
I had a DUI 9yrs ago
What were the penalties or consequences you faced due to the DUI incident?
the question is can an officer legally detain someone after they've left the store to give them a warning for trespassing
What was the reason given by the officer for detaining you after you left the store?
Again to serve me a trespass warning
What was the duration between you leaving the store and the officer detaining you?
I don't know maybe * to * minutes
What was the distance between the store and the location where you were pulled over?
I was leaving the grocery store parking lot
What was the name of the grocery store and its exact location in Elk Grove, CA?
Win co
What was the exact reason given by the officer for your arrest?
Driving without license
What were the penalties or consequences you faced due to driving without a license?
My vehicle was towed
What was the reason given for towing your vehicle?
The question is did he have a right to stop me to serve me a warning which is not criminal
What was the exact location where you were stopped by the officer?
On private property at the strip mall
What was the exact address of the strip mall where you were stopped by the officer?