Teen Arrested For Robbery


A 16-year-old boy in Virginia was arrested on charges of robbery, car theft, and use of firearms. The charges are based on witness descriptions and hearsay, with no physical evidence found on or around him. The case is currently under investigation, with the next court date set for August 15 at Roanoke City Court. The boy is represented by a court-appointed attorney, Ms. Black, from the public defenders office. The defense strategy is still being formulated.

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My son is * was walking to store got picked up because he fits a description of what the whole neighborhood looks like robbery use of firearms and theft of car property
What state are you located in, ****? This will help me provide the most accurate information regarding your son's situation.
What specific charges have been filed against your son?

In Virginia, robbery is a felony punishable by 5 years to life imprisonment. Use of a firearm in a felony carries a mandatory minimum sentence.
I dont know the names but robbery car theft and use of firarms
What is the name of the court where your son's case is being handled?
And only on hear say they didn't find any thing on or around him but he matches the identity
What evidence do the police have against your son besides the hearsay and matching the description?

In Virginia:
- Robbery is a felony punishable by 5 years to life imprisonment.
- Use of a firearm in a felony carries a mandatory minimum sentence.
What is the name of your son's attorney? It's important to have legal representation in such cases. In Virginia, hearsay is generally not admissible in court.
Ms Black she's a court appointed lawyer
What is the next court date and at which court is the case being handled?
August * 10am roanoke city court
What is the current status of your son's case?

Roanoke City Court is located at * Church Ave SW, Roanoke, VA *, USA. Phone: +* *-*-*.
It being investigated gathering evidence
What type of evidence are they gathering for your son's case? In Virginia, evidence can include physical items, witness testimonies, or surveillance footage.
Only witnesses at this point
What is the nature of the witnesses' testimonies? In Virginia, witness credibility can be crucial in a case.
A black male with locs n a greay hoodie
What actions has Ms. Black, your son's attorney, taken so far in his defense?
We just meet to day she has to see whats going on herself
What is the plan of action discussed by Ms. Black, your son's attorney, for your son's defense?
I can contact her Wednesday she said they'd probably not send papers until tomorrow
What is the best way to contact Ms. Black, your son's attorney?
* public defender office * 1st st roanoke va
What is the name of the public defender who is assigned to your son's case?

In Virginia, the public defender's office is responsible for providing legal representation to individuals who cannot afford a private attorney.
She said call her ms black
What is the full name of Ms. Black, your son's attorney?
Hold on im bout to find out
Sure, take your time. It's important to have the full name for future reference and communication.