Search Warrant Guidelines Minnesota

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Hi I am just wondering in Minnesota if a search warrant is issued for a residence that a person doesn't live
Hello ****. In Minnesota, a search warrant can be issued for any premise if there is probable cause. It doesn't matter if the person named in the warrant lives there or not. The warrant just needs to describe the place to be searched and the items sought.
After they take the person on the warrant and release them with no charges can they keep items on the search warrant
Hello ****, in Minnesota:
- Items seized under a search warrant can be kept as evidence, even if charges aren't filed.
- If items aren't illegal and unrelated to an investigation, the owner can request their return.
Can charges be filed if they let the person go and said investigation over and still kept all the items from the warrant
Hello ****, in Minnesota:
- Charges can still be filed after an investigation ends if new evidence emerges.
- If items from the warrant are kept, it might be because they're still relevant to a potential case.
If the landlord is the one who called police and tipped them can they get a search warrant just because of that
Hello ****, in Minnesota:
- A tip from a landlord could contribute to probable cause, but it alone is typically not enough.
- Police usually need additional evidence or information to justify a search warrant.