Loan Repayment Legal Steps


You can sue for a debt in Virginia as soon as a payment is missed. Send a written demand for payment first. If no response, file a claim in small claims court. Virginias small claims limit is $5,000, but you can still file for the amount owed. This is general advice.

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I might have to sue my partner, we created a written contact and notarized it for a loan I provided him of $*,* and for him to pay me $* biweekly. So far he has missed * payments and has only paid me $* so far. How long should I wait to potentially take him to small claims court and also I do not have a NY residence address of his. I only have Virginia addresses. 
Hello ****, in Virginia, you may sue for a debt as soon as a payment is missed. Here are some steps you can take:
*. Send a written demand for payment.
*. If no response, file a claim in small claims court.
*. Virginia's limit for small claims is $*,*, but you can still file.
Remember, this is just general advice.