Debt Collection Lawsuit Guidance


Creditors in Wisconsin must sue and win a judgment before garnishing wages. You can dispute garnishment and seek free legal aid from organizations like Legal Action of Wisconsin and Wisconsin Judicare.

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Hello Orlando! How can I assist you with your legal concerns today? Please provide some details about your situation.
Im getting sued
I'm sorry to hear that, Orlando. Could you please tell me more about the situation and your location? This will help me provide more accurate information.
I don't know what debt collection is suing me or trying to garnish my wages. Im in Wisconsin
In Wisconsin, creditors must follow certain steps before wage garnishment:
- They must sue you in court and win a judgment.
- They must request the court for a wage garnishment order.
- The sheriff must serve you the order.
You have the right to dispute the garnishment.
I cant afford a lawyer
You have the right to represent yourself in court, Orlando. Also, you can seek free legal aid in Wisconsin. Organizations like Legal Action of Wisconsin and Wisconsin Judicare offer legal assistance to individuals in financial distress.
Thank you
You're welcome, Orlando! If you have any other legal questions in the future, don't hesitate to ask. Remember, it's important to understand your rights and options. Best of luck with your situation.