Debt Collection Judgement Concerns


Ruth, a resident of Pennsylvania, is facing a potential judgement due to a debt collection issue. She is currently receiving Social Security benefits (SSI, retirement, spousal support) and is concerned about how a judgement might affect these benefits. She has been advised that in Pennsylvania, these types of benefits are generally exempt from garnishment by creditors. However, she has been advised to consult with a local attorney for personalized advice. She has also been advised to consider seeking help from legal aid services, pro bono legal services, law school legal clinics, and online legal aid services. She has also been advised to consider filing a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) regarding her debt collection issue.

Full Conversation

Dept collection
What specific issue are you facing with debt collection, ****? Are you being harassed or do you believe the debt is not yours?
The planfiff is going to try to put a judgement on me, I'm in SSA
Are you currently receiving Social Security benefits? This information can help determine how your benefits may be affected by a judgement.
What state are you located in, ****? This will help me provide the most accurate information regarding your situation.
What type of Social Security benefits are you receiving? In Pennsylvania, most types of Social Security benefits are exempt from garnishment by creditors.
Ssi, retirement, spousal support
In Pennsylvania, SSI, retirement, and spousal support are generally exempt from garnishment. However, certain debts like federal taxes or alimony can garnish them. Are these debts related to such obligations?
In Pennsylvania, your Social Security benefits (SSI, retirement, spousal support) are generally protected from garnishment by creditors. However, consult a local attorney for personalized advice.
Will I get a lawyer to represent me?
Are you looking for a public defender or do you have the means to hire a private attorney?
Can't us a public defender for a civil case. No, being on SSA I can't afford it
Have you considered seeking help from legal aid services in Pennsylvania? They often provide free or low-cost legal assistance to those who qualify.
They don't do debt collection cases, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place
I understand your situation, ****. Have you tried contacting a pro bono legal service? They often handle civil cases like debt collection.
There isn't one in my area
Have you considered reaching out to law schools in your area? Some have legal clinics that provide free or low-cost services.
No, there are no law schools here
Have you tried reaching out to online legal aid services or hotlines? They can provide assistance even if there are no local options.
Yes, still got nowhere
Have you considered filing a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) regarding your debt collection issue?
No, how would I do that?
You can file a complaint online with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) at They can help resolve issues with debt collectors.