Debt Collection Fraud Concerns


Debt collection in Michigan has a 6-year statute of limitations for written contracts, but fraudulent actions can extend this period. Verify the legitimacy of the debt and collector. Seek professional legal advice if unsure.

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No I had a lady call me. Her name is Maya Gomez and she said that if I didn't pay tent payments at * * * that they were gonna get me for loan fraud and check fraud for a check and go and that loans like * or 5 years old that I didn't pay for because I. Didn't have a job so I was wondering if that was a thing if they could really do that or? Or if she's just trying to scan me
Hello **** ****, could you please tell me where are you located? The laws regarding debt collection and fraud vary by location. Your location will help me provide more accurate information.
Jackson Michigan
In Michigan:
- Debt collection has a statute of limitations of 6 years for written contracts.
- However, fraudulent actions may extend this period.
- It's crucial to verify the legitimacy of the debt and collector.
If unsure, seek professional legal advice.