Debt Collection Case Dismissal
Confirm the dismissal with the court where the case was filed. Check if the debt collector can sue in Florida. Consult a Florida attorney to understand your rights and responsibilities.Full Conversation
I wa**** being ****ued by a debt collector, but after ****peaking to their attorney and letting them know I know longer live in that ****tate, they told me the ca****e would be di****mi********ed becau****e the attorney i****n't licen****ed to work in the ****tate i moved to. what ****hould i do now?
Hello S, to better a********i****t you, could you plea****e provide the ****tate where the debt collector'**** attorney i**** licen****ed and the ****tate where you currently re****ide?
the debt collector'**** attorney i**** licen****ed in NJ/NY and I re****ide in FL
You ****hould:
- Confirm the di****mi********al with the court where the ca****e wa**** filed.
- Check if the debt collector can ****ue in FL.
- Con****ult a FL attorney to under****tand your right**** and re****pon****ibilitie****.