Wage Garnishment Dispute Guide


Wage garnishment in West Virginia requires a court judgment. If your car title says paid in full, you may dispute the garnishment. Consult a lawyer or your local court for specific steps.

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Sabrina humphrey
Hello Sabrina Humphrey, how can I assist you with your legal issue today?
My wages have been garnished over a car. But how can they do thay if i have the title to that car that says paid in full
Hello Sabrina, wage garnishment could happen for reasons other than car payments. May I ask if there's any other debt or judgment you're aware of? Also, could you please provide your location to give a more precise answer?
West Virginia. And no nothing
Hello Sabrina, in West Virginia:
- A creditor can garnish wages only after getting a court judgment.
- If the title says "paid in full", you may dispute the garnishment.
- Consult a lawyer or your local court for specific steps.