Education Loan Refund Options


In Pennsylvania, education loan refunds depend on the schools policy. If your contract states a 70% payment plus a $150 withdrawal fee, it is enforceable. Consult an education lawyer for advice.

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I took out an education loan for a school. $*,*. I’ve only attended 4 days simply because the school is inadequate and has not been teaching anything. I’ve been sitting in class all day and scrolling on my phone. I want a refund
Hello ****, to provide more accurate information, could you please tell me your location? Also, are there any terms and conditions specified in your contract with the school regarding refunds?
I’m in PA
Hello ****, in PA, you may be entitled to a refund if you withdraw within the first week of classes. However, this depends on the school's refund policy. Please review your enrollment agreement for specifics.
They want me to pay *% plus a withdrawal fee of $*
In PA, the refund policy is regulated by the school. Unfortunately, if your enrollment agreement states a *% payment plus a $* withdrawal fee, this is enforceable. You may consult a lawyer for further advice.
I’ve only completed * hours out of * hours required. *% payment to school is outrageous
Hello ****, I understand your frustration. However, if these terms are stated in your contract, they are legally binding. You might consider seeking advice from a local attorney who specializes in education law.