School Expulsion Legal Rights


The user, a student from Fortis College in Norfolk, Virginia, was expelled from school for allegedly threatening another student during an argument. The school did not provide any formal notice or documentation regarding the expulsion. The user has a witness who heard the entire argument. The user has reached out to lawyers for help but has not yet contacted the school board or a higher authority within the school system. The user is looking for an education law attorney to help appeal the expulsion.

Full Conversation

I was trying to get some help to applied me being expelled from school
What is the reason given by the school for your expulsion?
I can still log on to canvas . But I can’t go on campus . They claimed I threatened a student when we were going back on forth last Thursday
Did you receive any formal notice or documentation from the school regarding your expulsion?
No it was verbal they said that why would investigate
What state are you in? This will help me provide the most accurate information regarding your rights in a school expulsion case.
Did you have any witnesses or evidence to support your side of the story during the incident?

In Virginia, schools must provide a fair hearing before expulsion.
Yes I do
What kind of evidence or witnesses do you have to support your claim? In Virginia, you have the right to present your side of the story during a fair hearing.
I have someone in person that heard everything .
What is the relationship of this person to you and what exactly did they hear?
She’s my classmate and she heard everything
What exactly did your classmate hear? This information could be crucial in your defense. In Virginia, witness testimonies can be used as evidence in school disciplinary hearings.
Everything the whole conversation between us
What was the nature of the conversation that your classmate heard? This could be crucial in determining if the school's actions were justified.
She heard us fussing and going back and forth we were fussing
What specific words or actions during this argument led the school to believe you were threatening the other student?
It’s a guy . I told him to keep that same energy when he has a conversation with my brother . He is a man and I didn’t want to continue fussing with me
What was the context of your statement about your brother? It's important to understand if it could be perceived as a threat. In Virginia, threatening language can lead to disciplinary actions in schools.
What is the school's policy on verbal altercations and threats?
Im not sure and I said
What is the name of your school? This will help me find the specific policies related to verbal altercations and threats.
keep that same energy
What is the exact name of your school? This will help me provide you with the specific rules and contact details of your school.
What is the full name and location of your school, Fortis? This will help me provide you with the specific rules and contact details of the nearest court if needed.
Fortis college , Norfolk Va
What was the context of your statement about your brother? This will help me understand if it could be perceived as a threat.
I said keep that same energy when u have a conversation with my brother because you are still a man at the end of the day
What was the reaction of the other student when you made this statement?
oh baby please go get your ass fixed
What was the school's response to the other student's reaction?
He had no disciplinary actions no suspension no nothing
What actions have you taken since the school's decision?
reach out to lawyers because I feel as if it’s one sided
What was the response from the lawyers you reached out to?
some said that they only handle criminal cases and they since I wasn’t charged with anything that they can’t do much because they only handle criminal cases
What is the name of the school's principal or the person who communicated the expulsion to you?
Ms Diana perot she’s the dental assistant program director . And the president Fabian Fernandez
What was the exact reason given by Ms Diana Perot or President Fabian Fernandez for your expulsion?
I mentioned my brother
What was the context in which you mentioned your brother?
I said to the other person that I was fussing with to keep that same energy when he has a conversation with my brother
What was the reaction of the school administration when you mentioned your brother in the conversation?
at first they suspended me which was last Friday I came back Monday and then they just exapelled me yesterday
What was the process followed by the school before expelling you? Did they conduct any hearing or meeting with you?

In Virginia, schools are required to provide a fair hearing before expulsion.
they said they are going to get everyone story and that they would let me know if I’m allowed back on campus
Did the school provide you with a chance to present your side of the story and your witness during their investigation?
Yes my story but my witness wasn’t present
Did they give a reason why your witness wasn't allowed to be present during their investigation?
Did the school provide you with a written notice of expulsion detailing the reasons for their decision?
No , just verbal
Did the school provide you with any opportunity to appeal the expulsion decision?
What steps have you taken since the expulsion? Have you tried contacting the school board or a higher authority within the school system?
just reaching out to lawyers
What is the name of the school district or the higher authority within the school system?
Not sure
What is the name of the school board or the higher authority within the school system that oversees Fortis College in Norfolk, VA?
not sure
What is the name of the student you were arguing with? This information could be useful in your case. In Virginia, you have the right to a fair hearing before expulsion.
antarian gilbert
What was the nature of your relationship with Antarian Gilbert prior to this incident?
class mate
What was the nature of your relationship with Antarian Gilbert prior to this incident? Did you have any previous conflicts or issues?
No I had no issues with anyone I stay to myself
What steps have you taken to appeal the expulsion decision within the school system?
Trying to find a lawyer
What type of lawyer are you looking for? A civil rights attorney or an education law attorney could potentially assist you with your case.
Educatiob law
What specific actions or words did the school consider as a threat?
no acts . I said keep that same energy when you have a conversation with my brother
What was the school's interpretation of your statement about your brother?
they said that the other party felt threatened
What actions did the school take to ensure the safety of the other party after they felt threatened?
they suspended and I came back Monday then they expselled me yesterday
What actions did the school take against the other student involved in the argument?
no disciplinary actions are towards hin
What actions did the other student take after the incident?
he rode around the building when I got out the car but we haven’t said two words to each other
What actions have you taken since the incident, apart from reaching out to lawyers?
not much just searching for a lawyer
What steps have you taken to appeal the expulsion decision within the school system?
Trying to find a lawyer
What steps have you taken to appeal the expulsion decision within the school system?
trying to find a lawyer
Have you considered contacting the school board or a higher authority within the school system about your expulsion?
What was the response when you contacted the school board or higher authority about your expulsion?
I haven’t contacted them
Why haven't you contacted the school board or higher authority about your expulsion yet?
I’m looking for a lawyer
What type of lawyer are you looking for? Education law or civil rights law could be relevant in your case.