School Discrimination Legal Options


If your child faces discrimination at school, you can file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Educations Office for Civil Rights. Additionally, you may consider a lawsuit for emotional distress or defamation if the vice principals actions have harmed your childs reputation or mental health. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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Hello Pam, nice to meet you. How can FreeLawChat assist you with your legal issue today?
I was wondering if i have a case against my daughter school
Hello Pam. Could you please provide more details about the issue with your daughter's school? Also, could you tell us your location? This will help us provide more accurate information.
The vice principal is biased towards her. My daughter has been into fights previously, and has been sent to court and cited for fighting twice. Both times the assistant principal has yelled at her and gave her more harsh consequences than the other students. On one occasion, when I came into the school to ask why she couldn’t do her work online the vice principal saw us and physically pushed us out the door saying she wasn’t allowed on campus. He yelled at her and at me. then on a different my daughter had recorded a fight, and he decided to send her to court again. Meanwhile, the the people who are in the fight, we’re not sent to court or cited. He tried to accuse my daughter of physically harming one of the girls when there’s video proof that she never touched her. The other students that were recording were not sent to court or giving consequences. The security from school told my daughter that she wasn’t going to be cited because she didn’t fight. But the vice principal kept telling her that she was going to be cited and sent to court and kicked out the school repeatedly, taunting her with that. At one point he came up to her and whispered.” I don’t care if you didn’t touch her you’re still sent getting sent to court and kicked out.”
I'm sorry to hear about this, Pam. The situation sounds very distressing. Could you please provide your location so I can provide more accurate legal information?
I live in Compton, California
Based on the situation, you may have a case. In California, you can consider:
- Filing a complaint for discrimination with the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights
- Consider filing a lawsuit for emotional distress or defamation if the vice principal's actions have caused harm to your daughter's reputation or mental health.
Please consult with a local attorney for personalized advice.