Drug Testing School Dispute


In Illinois, private schools can implement drug testing policies. Ensure the school followed its policy, and consider independent testing if results are disputed. Parents have significant rights in their childs education, especially for minors. Consulting a child rights lawyer may be beneficial if the school is uncooperative.

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my nephew plays sports for a private school in Chicago. They did a random drug test that came back with high levels of cocaine. They repeated it in three months. It’s still coming back high levels of cocaine and he is not using we know that for a fact.
Hello Michelle, it's a tough situation. In Illinois, private schools have the option to implement drug testing policies.
- Did the school provide a written policy on drug testing?
- Was there a chance to contest the results or request a different testing method?

Knowing the school's policy will be crucial.
we have a meeting with the school today determine whether or not he is being exposed or what their plans on doing because according to them he is using and that’s it. The test came back positive he’s using and that’s it.
It's a difficult situation, Michelle. Here are some points to consider for your meeting:
- Illinois law doesn't regulate drug testing in private schools.
- Ensure they followed their own policy.
- Ask for the testing method and if it could yield false positives.
- Consider seeking legal representation.
we were not given another lab to have it done at it’s through the school outside of school I would have to pay $*. I did go to his primary doctor and had a urine and blood test both came back negative.
Hello Michelle, based on your situation, please consider the following:
- Confirm if the school's policy allows for independent testing.
- Discuss the negative test results from the primary doctor with the school.
- Consult a lawyer to protect your nephew's rights if necessary.
he is a freshman 15 years old
Hello Michelle, given that your nephew is a minor, here's what you can do:
- Emphasize on his age and rights during your discussions.
- In Illinois, parents have significant rights in their child's education.
- Consider involving a child rights lawyer if the school doesn't cooperate.
Hello Michelle, it's great that you're proactive and supporting your nephew. Remember to maintain open communication with the school and explore all legal avenues available to protect your nephew's rights. If you need help finding a child rights lawyer in Illinois, let me know.
I’m a nurse so I’m trying to help
Hello Michelle, your medical expertise will certainly be beneficial. If you need further legal guidance or resources on your nephew's situation, feel free to ask. Would you like information on child rights lawyers in Illinois?
Thank yiu
Hello Michelle, it's my pleasure to assist you. Remember, understanding and asserting your legal rights in this situation will be crucial. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions or need further guidance.