Title Ix School Dispute


Schools in Oregon must follow due process in Title IX cases, ensuring fair investigations. Parents have the right to be involved and can request a fair investigation. Schools are prohibited from using offensive language towards students. Consulting an education lawyer can provide specific advice tailored to your situation.

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My 7 year old son is being accused for sexual harassment and they filed a title i x on my son but the principal I feel is being unfair and she's also lying and taking sides and stating that the other kid is telling the truth because he's had a sheltered life and my son has kind of a harder life and got in a little bit of trouble with a bully at school so because she thinks he's a troubled child she's automatically taking sides and she's calling my son not by his name or the student she's calling him a perpetrator a conduct just very foul words and it's not okay and I want to know my legal rights on it cuz my son's telling the truth and we have witnesses to show that
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. May I know your location to provide more detailed information? Also, have you considered seeking legal representation for your son?
I'm currently in Dallas Oregon my son lives in Portland Oregon though
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In Oregon:
- Schools must follow due process in Title IX cases
- Parents have the right to be involved and request a fair investigation
- Schools can't use offensive language towards students
Consider consulting an education lawyer for specific advice.