Updating Educational Records Guide


Title IX protects students from sex discrimination, including gender identity. Retroactive law application varies. To request educational records, write a formal letter to your school. Include your contact details, the schools contact details, and a clear request under FERPA. Sports participation and awards can be part of educational records. Schools may not automatically update records; former students may need to request changes. For free legal help, consider resources like the Transgender Law Center, ACLU of Southern California, and Lambda Legal. In California, Penal Code 211 defines robbery, with first-degree being more severe than second-degree. Both are felonies. The Three Strikes Law is still active but modified by Proposition 36. Consult a legal professional for personalized advice.

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If a law goes takes effect after you graduate but as a former student the law still applies in the sense that you would be able to update your educational record. For example if you are trans and you played sports and transitioned during that time and the school made you play on the womens team even after you transitioned and went by a new name. Then found out that they posted these sport acheivements on a public third party wensite. Years pass by, law goes into affect that applies to you. So you request they ammend the record under FERPA and California Code, Education Code - EDC § *.* California Code, Education Code - EDC § 49070l California Code, Education Code - EDC § *.* would you also be able to accuse them of title IX discrimination because of posting your trans status or would it not apply because the law went into affect after you graduated?
It's important to note that Title IX protects students from sex discrimination, which includes discrimination based on gender identity. However, the application of laws after graduation can be complex. For specific advice, consult a legal professional.
complex how?
It's complex due to the following:
- It depends on when the alleged discrimination occurred.
- The retroactive application of laws varies.
- The interpretation of Title IX regarding gender identity has been a subject of legal debate.
Always consult a lawyer for personalized advice.
what does retroactive application mean
Retroactive application refers to a law that is applied to events or situations that occurred before the law was enacted. However, it's important to note that the retroactivity of laws can vary based on the specific law and legal jurisdiction.
Whats the process of requesting to view past educational records as a formal student?
To request past educational records as a former student:
*. Write a formal letter to your school's administration or registrar's office.
*. Specify the documents you need.
*. If under FERPA, state your rights to access.
*. Wait for a response. Under FERPA, schools must comply within 45 days.
Consult a legal professional for specific guidance.
what if I want to see all records? and what do you mean if under ferpa?
If you wish to see all records, specify this in your request. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), you have a right to access all your educational records. It's a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Always consult a lawyer for personalized advice.
but i dont get what if under ferpa means specifically if under
"If under FERPA" means if your situation is covered by FERPA. For instance, FERPA applies to educational institutions that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. So, if your school falls under this, your request to access records is "under FERPA".
oh i understand now. What does formal letter mean?
A formal letter is a type of communication that has a formal tone and is written in an organized format. It includes your address, the date, recipient's address, a formal salutation, body of the letter, a complimentary close, and your signature. For your situation, it would be a request for your educational records.
whats a complimentary close mean?
A complimentary close, also known as a complimentary closing, is the part of the letter where the writer concludes the letter in a polite and respectful manner. Examples include "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Yours truly," followed by your signature.
and this has to be written and mailed?
Yes, a formal request letter is typically written and mailed. However, some institutions may accept requests via email. It is best to check with your school's administration or registrar's office for their preferred method of communication.
what happens if school was out for the summer?
Even if the school is out for the summer, they should still process your request. However, it may take longer due to reduced staff. It's best to contact the school to understand their specific process during vacation periods.
Can you provide a template of what it should look like and explain the absolute necessary things that would be requiredto put in
Sure, here's a basic template:
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[School's Name]
[School's Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
Dear [Recipient's Name],
I am writing to formally request access to my educational records under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). I am a former student of [School's Name] and I wish to review all of my educational records.
Please inform me of any procedures or fees involved in this process. I am aware that under FERPA, the school must comply within 45 days of receiving this request.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
[Your Signature]
[Your Name]
Necessary elements:
- Your contact details and the date
- The school's contact details
- A clear request for your records under FERPA
- A polite closing with your signature and name.
- Always consult a lawyer for personalized advice.
what would be included in all my educational records?
All your educational records would typically include:
- Transcripts of grades
- Standardized test scores
- Discipline records
- Class schedules
- Graduation records
- Attendance records
- Records of any special education services
- Personal information like your name, address, and birth date.
Remember, each institution may maintain different types of records. Always consult with a legal professional for personalized advice.
would sport participation and awards be part of educational records? Also would a list of third party websites that the school shares directory information be included in that, including the schools contract bound between them and the third party in relation to usage of information and procedures if issues arise?
Yes, sports participation and awards can be part of educational records under FERPA. The inclusion of third-party website information in educational records can be complex:
- Schools may disclose directory information without consent, which can include name, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and awards received.
- The school's agreement with third parties is typically not part of a student's educational record.
- Always consult a lawyer for personalized advice.
so for instance my records of high school sports were out in public and they revealed my name and that I played on the female sex team after i transitioned, but that duing that time their were no laws in place saying you couldnt reveal a trans students status. But after I graduated many years later laws passed saying that the school is not allowed to reveal transgender status because outting can lead to possible discrimination and safety issues. How would those apply to former students? Would the school automatically make the changes on all docs or is that something the student would have to actively make efforts to do by requesting that the records be adjusted?
The application of laws to situations prior to their enactment can be complex. Specific to your scenario:
- California Education Code § *.* allows students to change their gender or name on school records.
- Schools might not automatically update records. Former students may need to request changes.
- Schools should abide by current privacy laws regarding revealing transgender status.
For specific guidance, consult a legal professional.
so then if I were to request it would the request. situation also fall under title IX or would that only. be the case if the school refuses to accept the request?
Title IX protects against sex discrimination in education programs. If the school refuses your request to amend records, it might be seen as a violation of Title IX. However, its application to your situation can be complex and it's best to consult a legal professional for personalized advice.
Where would I look for specifically education law subcategory trans/lgbtq law for free help for me if I don't have much money
You may consider the following resources for free or low-cost legal assistance in California:
*. **Transgender Law Center**: Offers legal resources for transgender individuals.
*. **ACLU of Southern California**: Provides resources and can assist with discrimination cases.
*. **Lambda Legal**: A national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of LGBTQ+ individuals.
Remember to consult with a legal professional for advice tailored to your situation.
what does * robbery mean
In California, Penal Code * defines robbery as the felonious taking of personal property in the possession of another, from his person or immediate presence, and against his will, through force or fear. It's a serious offense with potential severe penalties. Always consult a lawyer for specific legal advice.
whats the difference between first degree and second degree for robbery
In California, the difference between first and second degree robbery are:
- First Degree: Robbery of any driver or passenger on a bus, taxi, streetcar, subway, cable car, etc., or in an inhabited house, or at an ATM.

- Second Degree: All other kinds of robberies.
Always consult a lawyer for specific legal advice.
is one a higher level then the other?
Yes, in California, first-degree robbery is considered a more severe offense than second-degree robbery. The penalties for first-degree robbery are typically harsher. Remember to consult with a legal professional for advice tailored to your situation.
and so are both a felony
Yes, both first-degree and second-degree robbery are considered felonies under California law. However, the penalties for each can vary, with first-degree robbery typically carrying more severe penalties. Always consult a legal professional for personalized advice.
is the * strike law in california still active?
Yes, the Three Strikes Law in California is still in effect but it was significantly modified by Proposition * in *. Now, a third strike must be a serious or violent felony to trigger a life sentence. Always consult a legal professional for personalized advice.