Misled By College Advisor


If misled by a college advisor, you can file a grievance, consult an attorney, or contact the Ohio Board of Regents. Document all interactions and advice received. If you were advised to retake courses unnecessarily, you might have a case for educational malpractice or breach of contract. Consult an attorney specializing in education law for personalized advice.

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I was wondering what my options were for being miskead by a college advisor adn what steps to take
Hello **** ****, sorry to hear about your situation. There are a few options available:
*. File a complaint with your college's grievance process.
*. Consult with a lawyer for potential legal action.
*. File a complaint with the Ohio Board of Regents.
May I know if you have already taken any of these steps?
In that case, ****, I suggest you start by filing a complaint with your college's grievance process. If the issue isn't resolved, consider contacting a lawyer or the Ohio Board of Regents. It's important to keep a record of all conversations and advice received.
I talked to the dean of my college is that the same
Talking to the dean is a good first step, but it's not the same as filing a formal complaint through your college's grievance process. Ensure you put your complaint in writing and keep a copy for your records.
I was told to retake courses that I had already recieved credit for and then found out I didn't need to take them. I wasted $*,* to repeat a year of school and it brought my gpa down. Is this something i can sue the school for?
****, it's possible you may have a case for educational malpractice or breach of contract. However, such cases can be complex. Here are your steps:
*. Document everything related to the case.
*. Consult with an attorney specializing in education law.
*. If advised, file a lawsuit against the institution.
Remember, this is a general advice and specifics may vary.