Request Educational Records Easily


Under FERPA, you can request access to grades, enrollment records, class schedules, attendance records, disciplinary records, personal information, achievement test records, health records, special education records, IEP plans, and psychological evaluations. Some records like teachers notes and law enforcement records may not be accessible. Contact your former school for a comprehensive list.

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I want to req
Hello ****, it seems like your message got cut off. Could you please clarify what exactly you want to request?
I want to request all educational records (that I am able to access that count as educational records) from my former high school. I read that you can do so with Ferpa. My high school's name is San Marino High School. I need help composing the letter
Sure ****, I can guide you. Here are important points to include in your request:
*. State your name, address, and relationship to the student.
*. Specify the records you're requesting.
*. Mention FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), which grants you the right to access these records.
*. Request a response in a reasonable time frame.
*. Include your contact information for any questions or clarifications.
Remember to keep it polite and professional.
What are all the educational records I would be able to access so that I mention that in the letter too
Under FERPA, you can request access to the following educational records:
*. Grades
*. Enrollment records
*. Class schedules
*. Attendance records
*. Disciplinary records
*. Personal information maintained by the school
Remember, some records like teacher's notes and law enforcement records may not be accessible.
is that all?
Yes, ****. Those are the primary educational records you can request under FERPA. However, each school may maintain different types of records. It might be beneficial to call the school's office and ask for a comprehensive list of available records.
i thought in california acheivement records too
Yes, you're correct. In California, achievement test records are also considered educational records. So, you can include them in your request letter. Remember to be specific about what you're asking for.
what else in california
In California, health records, special education records, IEP plans, and psychological evaluations are also considered educational records under FERPA. As each situation is unique, it's recommended to contact your former school for a comprehensive list.