Job Discrimination Legal Analysis


Ana Armstrong, a 45-year-old woman, was rejected for a driver position at Deluxe Delivery Services. The owner, Bob Brown, cited her age, astrological sign, and dietary preferences as reasons for rejection. Under California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), individuals 40 years and older are protected from age discrimination. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and FEHA also prohibit gender discrimination. Astrological signs and dietary preferences are not protected categories. Ana should file a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), gather relevant documentation, and consult an employment attorney for further legal advice.

Full Conversation

In response to a job posting, Ana Armstrong, a *-year-old woman, applies for a job as a driver at Deluxe Delivery Services. She has a valid driver’s license and has driven extensively for 25 years, but never for pay. Ten years ago, she received one speeding ticket, for which she paid a required fine. She is a vegetarian and a Cap- ricorn. After a brief interview, at which all of these facts emerge, Ana is rejected for the position by Bob Brown, Deluxe’s owner. Ana comes to you for legal counsel. You do some investigation. The first call you make is to Bob, who admits that the job is still open, but explains that he rejected Ana because “Capricorns make lousy drivers.” Bob adds, “I only hire driv- ers with spotless records; besides, she’s too old to adjust to the rigors of driving a van all day, especially since she doesn’t eat meat.” When asked whether Ana’s gender played a part in the decision, Bob replies, laughing, “Of course not. I love women. I’m even married to one!” You then drive by Deluxe’s lot to conduct a visual survey and see an almost total absence of women drivers. It is common knowledge that there is a heavy turnover in the delivery-driving business. How would you analyze this case based on the law of individual disparate treat- ment discrimination as you understand it?
Lindsay, based on the information provided, Ana's situation appears to involve potential discrimination under California and federal law. Key points:
- **Age Discrimination**: California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) protects individuals 40 years and older from employment discrimination based on age.
- **Gender Discrimination**: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and FEHA prohibit discrimination based on gender.
- **Astrological Sign and Dietary Preferences**: These are not protected categories.
Would you like more specific details on how to proceed with a discrimination claim?
To proceed with a discrimination claim, Ana can consider the following steps:
- **File a Complaint**: Ana should file a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
- **Gather Evidence**: Collect all relevant documentation and witness statements.
- **Consult an Attorney**: Seek legal advice from an employment attorney.
Would you like more information on how to file a complaint with DFEH or EEOC?

California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH)
