Workplace Harassment Legal Rights


Your girlfriend may be experiencing workplace harassment. In Florida, harassment based on sex, race, or other protected categories is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. An employer cannot fire an employee based on personal issues unless it affects work performance. She has the right to have her own legal counsel present at any meeting. Deleting emails that could serve as evidence in a legal situation can be seen as destruction of evidence. However, if emails are deleted as part of a routine practice, it might be different. Consult with an employment lawyer for detailed advice.

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Hello Jack, nice to meet you. I'm here to provide legal information. Could you please describe your legal issue in more detail so I can assist you better?
So this is the background story. She has been working for this company in Florida for just over 9 months now. She is a good looking girl that works with mostly males and the owner of the company is a male. Since she started and attended her first work gathering, the owners wife has been mean to her and even was vocal about it telling her to leave. Without any reason for any of this other than jealousy or something between the relationship between the owner and his wife, my gf feels uncomfortable at work and any work gathering where her bosses wife is at, she is being yelled at or made to feel uncomfortable. There has never been anything un professional between the owner and my gf and all normal business interactions. The issue is between his wife and himself. The latest thing that just happened was my gf went to work on Monday and tried to login to her email and she saw an email open that said you are fired in the subject. The email was from the owners wife directly emailed to my gf and ccd the owner. She tried to open the email and was instantly logged out. She went to her HR/Manager and they said they were the ones to log her out and deleted the email so my gf didn’t see the email. She didn’t even see what was said about her or to her. All she saw was the subject saying she was fired and logged out. This email came from the owners wife who had nothing to do with the company and now has made my gf scared and uncomfortable to even work. She is a hard worker and the company wants to keep her so they want to have a conversation with her but they also want to bring the company lawyer in the meeting. She is now worried about this and wants to know if this is legal? And if she has any protection in a case like this
It seems your girlfriend might be experiencing workplace harassment. In Florida:
*. Harassment based on sex, race, or other protected categories is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of *.
*. An employer cannot fire an employee based on personal issues, unless it affects work performance.
*. She has the right to have her own legal counsel present at any meeting.
For more detailed legal advice, she should consult with a local employment lawyer.
Can they go through and delete emails that incriminate themselves ?
In Florida, deleting emails that could serve as evidence in a legal situation can be seen as destruction of evidence. However, if emails are deleted as part of a routine practice, it might be different. It's best to consult with an employment lawyer.