Workplace Discrimination Legal Case


Your situation may involve workplace discrimination and wrongful termination. Document all incidents and communications. Consult an employment attorney to explore your legal options.

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Hello Samantha, nice to meet you. How can I assist you with your legal issue?
Do I have a case? My mom was dying at the time the store I worked at got a new manager in my department. An employee I worked directly with got resentful. Stopped doing her work. Started leaving me notes of work to do. With the old manger leaving. An employee previous manager fought with, returns. Returning employee complains to note leaving employee that I'm not doing my job. They both talk to the new manager about getting me out of my area. New manager couldn't move schedule around yet so I stayed. Returning employee left me with half his me * persons jobs to do. I got lectured and moved immediately. When I ask returning employee about it. He screams at me. Scares me. I don't come in for days, but let me assistant manager know. With the grief of my mom. My maternal grandmother passing, my paternal grandmother hospitalized, and my cousin passing. I was getting emotional and couldn't handle what was going on at work. I contacted store manager to resign. A year later I ask about a rehire. There's a stand in store manager, because previous left. He sets me up with an interview. When I come in he tells me we don't rehire. Friends who still work there said the new department manager told him she didn't want me back. When I contact the company. They have paperwork that says I was terminated. I was never told I was terminated because I didn't show up or call. Half the store are rehires. And an employee would miss a week at a time. Never was terminated because he was dating his manager.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Samantha. Could you please tell me the location where these events happened? It will help me provide accurate legal information.