In North Carolina, defamation requires false statements that harm your reputation. The users former supervisor is allegedly providing false information about the users ability to work, which is affecting her chances of getting hired. The user is advised to gather evidence such as written communication, emails, or witnesses to support her claim of defamation.Full Conversation
Ive had a on job injury 2 years ago ..I started working another job a year later , I was placed on heavy equipment that I was not trained for long story short my previous injury was injured again and I was taken out of work , fast fwd I no longer had transportation for work so I was fired .. so I put that job down as a reference moving forward and the supervisor that placed me on equipment I wasn't trained for is giving me bad references is there anything legally i can do about this
What state are you located in, ****? The laws regarding defamation and employment references vary by state.
What specific negative information is the supervisor providing about you? In North Carolina, defamation requires false statements that harm your reputation.
Basically that I am not able to work ..I even contacted my doctor during my injury stating I was released 1yr ago but what she said is more than my paperwork stating release because I can't get hired because of what she is stating
What exactly did your doctor say about your ability to work?
In North Carolina, defamation requires:
- False statements
- That harm your reputation
- Made to a third party
- With negligence or intent.
I am completely released and have been since * no restrictions or anything
What evidence do you have to prove that your former supervisor is providing false information about your ability to work?
I've tried applying through a temp service and payroll checked references called her and she stated that it was due to medical reasons they asked for a medical release form in which I had faxed over and after it was sent the temp agency is stating that payroll stated that my reference stated it was medical reasons why but that's all the information they are giving due to the safety of my reference which is my previous supervisor
Do you have any written communication from the temp agency or payroll stating that your previous supervisor cited medical reasons for your inability to work?
No I don't have anything written
Do you have any other evidence, such as witnesses or emails, that could support your claim of defamation?
I can see if I can get it
What specific information are you hoping to gather as evidence?
Reason for rejection
What specific false statements has your former supervisor made about your ability to work?