Lost Paychecks In Mail


In New Hampshire, if your paycheck is lost in the mail and delayed, you should contact your employer to request a reissue. Employers must pay within 8 days of the end of the pay period. If the issue persists, you can file a wage and hour complaint with the NH Department of Labor. Employers cannot retaliate against employees for asserting their rights under wage and hour laws, but walking out could be grounds for termination. Liquidated damages are predetermined amounts set in contracts for breaches. If successful in your complaint, you may be entitled to unpaid wages and liquidated damages. This is general advice and not legal counsel.

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New hampshire USA
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In New Hampshire, you may consider:
- Contact your employer and ask for a reissue of the paycheck.
- If the issue persists, you can file a wage and hour complaint with the NH Department of Labor.
Remember, this is general advice and not legal counsel.
Will i get fired for walking out if i havent been paid?
In New Hampshire, employers cannot retaliate against employees for asserting their rights under wage and hour laws. However, walking out could potentially be grounds for termination. It's advisable to speak to your employer or seek legal counsel before taking any drastic action.
What are liquidated damages
Liquidated damages are a predetermined amount of money that parties to a contract agree upon as compensation in case one party breaches the contract. These are usually set during the formation of a legal contract.
Its three days after pay-day and checks havent arrived.
I'm sorry to hear that. In New Hampshire:
- Employers must pay within 8 days of the end of the pay period.
- If they fail, you can file a wage and hour complaint with the NH Department of Labor.
- If successful, you may be entitled to unpaid wages and liquidated damages.
Remember, this is general advice and not legal counsel.