Unemployment Benefits Appeal Process


If you were denied unemployment benefits in Michigan, you have the right to appeal within a 30-day window. This is crucial if you lost your job or had reduced hours due to COVID-19. Consider seeking legal advice to navigate the appeal process effectively.

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Rebecca Dean
Nice to meet you, Rebecca Dean. Could you please tell me more about the legal issue you're facing?
I have * separate cases. The one I seek advice about is an unemployment case. I worked during the co-vid * outbreak. I lost most of my patients due to the fact that they could not have outside workers. So my hours were reduced to * hours a week I ultimately lost my job because I could no longer afford the upkeep on my vehicle. I was denied unemployment as well as not informed that I qualified for unemployment during that outbreak. I have lost everything and would like to see if I can get some help
Did you appeal the unemployment denial within the *-day window? In Michigan, you have the right to appeal if you believe the decision was incorrect.