Workplace Harassment Legal Steps


Document all communications from your ex-boss and inform your lawyer about the harassment. Consider seeking a restraining order and report the harassment to the police. In New Zealand, you can apply for a Protection Order under the Family Violence Act 2018. Harassment involves repeated unwanted behavior causing distress or fear, and the police can issue a warning if the behavior constitutes harassment.

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Hello Rachel, how can I assist you with your legal issue today? Could you please provide some details about your situation and your location?
I lost my job due to my ex boss action and I have a lawyer but failed to have a settlement so currently awaiting for a mediation date. However my ex boss texted me how I broke his heart because he was supportive when I was work etc... he also texted a lot to my partner how dare we can do this to him and we are money hungry and he actually called police that we are doing fraud etc. I think he threatened us like this so I stop suing the company. All I want is keeping work and our private work separately. My partner was a friend of his but he has nothing to do with this. How can we stop this
Rachel, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Here are some general steps you might consider:
- Document all communications from your ex-boss.
- Inform your lawyer about the harassment.
- Consider seeking a restraining order against your ex-boss.
- Report the harassment to the police.
What state or city are you in? This can help determine specific resources or legal actions available to you.
I am in nz
Rachel, here are some steps you can take to address the harassment:
- **Document Communications**: Keep records of all texts and communications from your ex-boss.
- **Inform Your Lawyer**: Share all harassment details with your lawyer.
- **Restraining Order**: Consider applying for a restraining order.
- **Report to Police**: Report the harassment and threats to the police.
Would you like information on how to apply for a restraining order in New Zealand?
My lawyer is for employment law so she said she can't help
Rachel, in New Zealand, you can handle harassment through a restraining order called a "Protection Order" under the Family Violence Act *. Here are some steps you can follow:
- **Visit Your Local Court**: You can apply for a Protection Order at a Family Court.
- **Complete the Application**: Fill out the necessary forms, which are available at the court or online.
- **Submit Your Application**: Submit the application to the court for consideration.
Would you like details on the nearest Family Court to your location in New Zealand?
But I feel my ex boss shouldn't even talk to us because now I have a lawyer. Isn't it wrong
Rachel, it can indeed be inappropriate for your ex-boss to contact you directly, especially if you have legal representation. Here are a few points to consider:
- **Inform Your Lawyer**: Let your lawyer know about the direct contact; they might send a cease-and-desist letter.
- **Protection Order**: Applying for a Protection Order can legally prevent your ex-boss from contacting you.
- **Police Report**: Report the harassment to the police.
Would you like details on how to proceed with applying for a Protection Order at a Family Court in New Zealand?
He does not exactly threat us like harming us but can we still talk to the police about it?
Yes, you can still talk to the police about it. Harassment and intimidation, even without explicit threats of harm, are serious concerns. The police can provide advice and take appropriate actions based on your situation.
Would you like information on the nearest police station in your area in New Zealand?
Is there a phone number?
~New Zealand Police
Phone: * (non-emergency)
Would you like more information on the nearest police station or any other legal resources?
Rachel, here is the contact information for the New Zealand Police:
~New Zealand Police
Phone: * (non-emergency)
Website: [New Zealand Police Contact](*)

Would you like more information on how to apply for a Protection Order or any other legal assistance?
I didn't reply him for 2 days on my paid holiday while he gave me * messages. He got upset with me not replying and he said I don't need to come back or he'll restructure the company and let me go. This is *% against the law and nothing he can't do even though he was super supportive when I was working there right?
Rachel, it sounds like your ex-boss's actions could potentially violate employment laws, particularly those concerning unfair dismissal and harassment. Here are some key points to consider:
- **Unfair Dismissal**: In New Zealand, you may have grounds for a personal grievance claim if your dismissal was unjustified.
- **Harassment**: Continuous unwanted communication can be considered harassment.
Would you like more information on how to file a personal grievance in New Zealand?
Can you explain more about harrassment?
Certainly, Rachel. Here's a brief overview of harassment under New Zealand law:
- **Definition**: Harassment involves repeated unwanted behavior that causes distress or fear. It can be verbal, written, or physical.
- **Legal Framework**: The Harassment Act * provides protection against harassment, defining it as behavior that includes intimidation, threats, and unwelcome communication.
- **Protection Order**: You can apply for a Protection Order under the Family Violence Act * to prevent further harassment.
Would you like more detailed information on how to apply for a Protection Order or any other form of legal assistance?
He's not part of family but still unde family violence?
In New Zealand, the Family Violence Act * can apply to individuals who are not family members if their actions constitute harassment or abuse.
Key points:
- **Family Violence**: Includes psychological abuse, harassment, and controlling behavior.
- **Non-Family Members**: Protection Orders can still be sought if the behavior fits the criteria.
Would you like detailed information on applying for a Protection Order?
Can police give him a warning?
Yes, the police can give your ex-boss a warning if his behavior constitutes harassment. Here are the steps you can take:
- **Report the Behavior**: Contact the police and provide them with detailed information about the harassment.
- **Request a Warning**: Ask if they can issue a warning to your ex-boss.
Would you like more details on how to proceed with this?
Rachel, here are the steps to request a police warning in New Zealand:
- **Contact the Police**: Call * (non-emergency) or visit your nearest police station.
- **Provide Details**: Share all the messages and details of the harassment.
- **Request a Warning**: Ask the police to issue a warning to your ex-boss.
Would you like more information on any other legal matters?
No I got all the info I wanted to know. Thank you for having a talk with me
You're welcome, Rachel. I'm glad I could assist you. If you have any more questions in the future, don't hesitate to reach out. Take care!