Farm Laborer Eviction Dilemma


The user, a farm laborer in North Carolina, broke his ankle while working. His employment was in exchange for rent. After the injury, the farmer refused to provide aid or insurance information. The farmer is now threatening to evict the user, have him arrested, serve a writ of grievance, and charge rent. The user has not received any formal eviction notice or court documents. He has not been able to secure medical care due to lack of insurance. He applied for Medicaid but was denied and is currently appealing the decision. The user is still residing on the farm and has nowhere else to go. He has reached out to friends and family for help but has not received any positive responses. He has also reached out to local non-profit organizations and social services for assistance but has not found any available help.

Full Conversation

I broke my ankle while performing farm labor, the farmer refused any aid, or insurance information, my employment was in exchange for rent, now, the farmer is threatening to have me evicted in 3 days, arrested, served a writ of grievance, and charged rent.
What state are you located in, ****? This will help me provide the most accurate information regarding your rights as a tenant and an injured worker.
North carolina
What is the nature of your agreement with the farmer? Was it verbal or written?

In North Carolina:
- Landlords must provide a safe living environment.
- Evictions require a court order.
To do farm labor in exchange for room
Did you report your injury to any authority or have any medical records documenting it? This could be crucial for your case.
No, he refused ins info or assistance, i had no insurance
Did you have any witnesses or any form of evidence to prove your agreement with the farmer? In North Carolina, verbal contracts can be legally binding.
Neighbors, mail receieved
What is the nature of the mail you received? It could serve as evidence in your case. In North Carolina, eviction requires a formal process including notice and court proceedings.
SNAP/ food assistance from dept of social services
Did you inform the Department of Social Services about your current situation? They might be able to provide additional assistance or resources.
What was their response or advice regarding your situation?
Did the farmer provide you with any written notice of eviction? In North Carolina, landlords must provide written notice before eviction.
A message on fb messenger
Did you save the message? In North Carolina, eviction notice should be in writing, not through social media.
What was the content of the message sent to you on Facebook Messenger?
It’s taken me sometime to decide what to say to you, **** Lee ****, Jr. I have to forgive you, because the good Lord requires me to forgive other’s sins against me, so the he will forgive me of mine. That being said, **** Lee ****, Jr, I cannot reconcile with you about all that has transpired. And for the last 10 days you have done nothing to support me or my farm. I have given you support three times now, I have given you shelter, three times now, you have used me. I am done with it, I do not intend to deal with the stress and drama that you cause in my life anymore. I need my guitar and belongings that you have of mine back. I need my woodworking shop to be just that. I am not a caregiver, I am not a hospice, I do not run a flophouse, and I am not a chauffeur. I am sorry, for this, **** Lee ****, Jr., but you have seven days to get your affairs in order and find you another place to be. At the end of seven days if you have not left and returned everything that’s mine, I will have to take appropriate legal actions with the sheriffs department to have you expelled from my property as a trespasser. This is considered a legal notice in the state of North Carolina. June *, *.
Did you receive this notice in writing or verbally? In North Carolina, a written notice is generally required for eviction.
On face book messenger
Did you save a copy of this eviction notice from Facebook Messenger? In North Carolina, digital communication can sometimes be considered as a written notice.
What is the date you received this eviction notice on Facebook Messenger?
June * *, he then gave me extended time
What is the extended time given to you and do you have it in writing?
But you have nowhere to go, again, making me feel guilty, because my Christianly duty is not there somebody out that doesn’t have a place to go. And you’ve got a broken foot.
When did you receive this extension and do you have it in writing? In North Carolina, any changes to eviction notice should be documented.
No time limit given, July *, *
What is the current status of your broken ankle and have you sought medical attention for it?
Swelling is down, can walk short distances, unable to secure care, no insurance
Have you tried applying for Medicaid or any other state-provided health insurance in North Carolina?
Yes, denied
I'm sorry to hear about your Medicaid denial. Have you considered appealing the decision?
What is the status of your appeal for Medicaid denial?
Done so
What was the outcome of your Medicaid appeal?
No answer yet
What is the current status of your eviction? Have you found a new place to live or are you still residing on the farm?
Fb messenger, threat to have me arrested and served a writ of grievance in 3 days
What is the nature of the threat and the writ of grievance mentioned in the Facebook message?
Your attention towards me and my wishes are disrespectful and belligerent. I have bent over backwards to accommodate your selfish and ignorant behavior. You will vacate my premises by the 3rd of September, or the Rowan County Sheriff department will come and physically remove you, in handcuffs, take you do yo the Rowan County courthouse and magistrate, where you will have a writ of grievance filed against you for $* for the three months that you have lived on my property and not done any work whatsoever as you agree upon for being here. You will not have Internet and you will not have electricity on the building. Because you are not supposed to be here, you were supposed to be gone July *. Now you can call me the bad guy that’s what you want, as you been waiting to do to use me so that you can get sympathy from other people because you are not a good person, you are not a Christian because Christians will not treat me the way you’re treating me by staying on my property when you’ve been told to leave. I’m done with your belligerence. I need you out of my building so that I can do the things that I need to do so now you have your notice now you can go cry to your brother about me going to have you arrested and put in jail.
Did you have a written agreement or contract about the work you were supposed to do in exchange for staying on the property?

In North Carolina:
- Eviction requires written notice
- Rowan County Courthouse: * N Main St, Salisbury, NC *, +* *-*-*
What is the nature of the work you agreed to do in exchange for staying on the property?
Farm labor, landscaping, feed and care of animals,
Did you have any witnesses or any form of proof to support your agreement about the work you were supposed to do in exchange for staying on the property?
What is the contact information of these neighbors who can vouch for your agreement?
I have to get ph numbers
Sure, take your time to gather the contact information. It could be crucial in supporting your case.
Can i be arrested and removed in 3 days?
In North Carolina, a landlord cannot forcibly remove a tenant without a court order. Have you received any court documents regarding this eviction?
What is the current date? This will help us understand the timeline of your eviction notice.
Sept *, *
What is the current status of your eviction? Have you received any court documents or further communication from the landlord since the last eviction notice?
What is the current status of your health and have you received any medical attention for your broken ankle?
Limited walking, no,
What steps have you taken to secure medical attention for your broken ankle?
E.r. Visit,
What was the outcome of your ER visit and did they provide any documentation regarding your injury?
They referred me to a orthopeadic spec, placed a boot on and sent me home
Did you follow up with the orthopedic specialist as advised by the ER? It's important to document your medical condition for potential workers' compensation or personal injury claims.
Yes and no, no insurance, specialist wanted insurance and or cash for office visit, i had neither
What steps have you taken to address the issue of not having insurance or cash for the orthopedic specialist visit?
Applied for medicaide
What was the reason given for your Medicaid application denial?
None given, only says I qualify for reproductive health assistance, i apealed, that is pending, can take 90 days
What is the current status of your appeal for Medicaid denial? In North Carolina, you can also apply for County Special Assistance for Adults if you're unable to work due to disability.
What is the current status of your living situation? Have you found a new place to stay or are you still residing on the farm?
I have no where to go, am currently still on the farm
What steps have you taken to find a new place to live?
Asking friends ,family
What responses have you received from your friends and family regarding your search for a new place to live?
Waiting for word back from my brother... Others unable to help
What is your plan if your brother is unable to help you find a new place to live?
I have no idea at this point,
Have you considered reaching out to local homeless shelters or social services for temporary housing assistance?
What was the response from the local homeless shelters or social services when you reached out to them for temporary housing assistance?
None available
What is the current status of your eviction? Have you received any further communication or legal documents from the landlord or the sheriff's department?
Nothing filed or served
What is your plan for the next steps regarding your eviction and health situation?
Hoping can stay with my brother, in tenn, and get med assistance
What is your brother's address in Tennessee? This information will help us provide you with the nearest legal and medical resources.
I'm asking for your brother's address in Tennessee to provide you with the nearest legal and medical resources.
I am in north carolina
What is the current status of your eviction? Have you received any further notices or legal documents?
He has not filed anything
What is your plan if the landlord decides to file an eviction notice?
To leave
What is your plan for securing housing and medical care after you leave the property?
If i have no arrangement with brother, to be homeless
Have you reached out to any local non-profit organizations or social services in North Carolina for assistance with housing and medical care?
If i cannot stay with my brother I will be homeless.
Yes, sought non profit help, none available here. I will be homeless, living on the street
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Have you considered reaching out to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services for assistance? They may be able to provide resources or direct you to available services.
What was the response from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services when you reached out to them for assistance?
Non available, did receive SNAP benefits
What is the current status of your SNAP benefits and have they been helpful in your situation?
I can eat, current active
What is the amount of SNAP benefits you are currently receiving?
$*.* a month
What are you spending your SNAP benefits on?
Are you able to meet your nutritional needs with the current amount of SNAP benefits you are receiving?
Have you considered applying for food assistance programs like food banks or soup kitchens in your area?
I have no transportation...
Have you considered reaching out to local charities or organizations that offer transportation services for those in need?
What was the response from the local charities or organizations when you reached out to them for transportation services?
Non available
What is the current status of your Medicaid appeal?
None available
What is the current status of your eviction?
Nothing filed
What is your plan if the landlord decides to file an eviction notice?
No plans
What steps have you taken to secure legal assistance for your eviction situation?
That is what this was in inquiry about
What is your current location in North Carolina? This will help me provide you with the contact details of the nearest legal aid services.
Rowan county North Carolina
What is the current status of your health, specifically your broken ankle?
I can walk and stand short distances
What steps have you taken to secure medical attention for your broken ankle since your last update?