Unresponsive Lawyer Communication Tips


If your lawyer is unresponsive or not providing case updates, consider requesting detailed updates, reviewing your retainer agreement, and possibly consulting another attorney. Document all attempts to contact the lawyer and consider filing a complaint with the California State Bar if the issue persists.

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Hey ****! Thanks for the info. Could you please provide a bit more detail about your legal issue? This will help me give you the most accurate information.
I put a lawyer on retainer for an accusation that came up against me regarding a former employer but I never hear from her is that normal?
It's not typical for a lawyer to be unresponsive, especially if you have retained them. You should expect regular updates.
- Contact the lawyer's office to request an update.
- Review your retainer agreement for communication expectations.
- Consider looking for a new attorney if the lack of communication continues.
Have there been any significant developments in your case since you last heard from your lawyer?
I am not sure there have been any developments
It's concerning that you haven't heard from your lawyer. Here are some steps you could consider:
- Document all attempts to contact the lawyer.
- Send a formal written request for an update.
- Review your retainer agreement for any clauses about communication.
- If unresponsive, consider filing a complaint with the California State Bar.
Has your lawyer given any reason for the lack of communication?
They respond every time I reach out but there is never an update about the case
It seems like your lawyer is responsive but not providing substantive updates. Here are a few steps you can take:
- Request a detailed update on your case status and next steps.
- Ask for a timeline of expected actions.
- Consult another lawyer for a second opinion on your case's progress.
Would you like information on how to file a complaint with the California State Bar?