Return Of Personal Property


The user is dealing with a complex issue involving non-payment and refusal to return property. They should review their written agreement, gather all relevant communication records, and consult a lawyer. They can contact the Uganda Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development for assistance. Legal aid services in Uganda can provide further guidance. The outcome will depend on the written agreements and evidence presented.

Full Conversation

Hi Godfrey! How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
Hello Godfrey, I am telling you to return the items which are belonging to me which you are now admitting that you are refusing to return. You must return my items: You must return the belongings which are belonging to me which are the Boda, the grass cutter (Worth *,*), the Radio Players (worth * UGX) and the Boda. In our time working, you have lied multiple times, you have misused the boda in violation of our agreement of it’s proper use, and you have mishandled and lost funds for this project, and now I have confirmed with two different witness that you are lying to me about your conversation with Baba. You have been given many chances, and as per our agreement, you are being released for repeated violations of misuse of the boda and for lying to me about this recent matter. I did not force or command you to bring your family from the village, I only advised that it is better for you to be with your wife, I told you many times that it’s better for your family to be where you are but that the decision was yours. No one is forcing you to sell your belongings and I already have proof of messages of you telling me many times that fortunate is already planning to go back to the village. You are have not been abused, you have been given a loan of * Million UGX which you have not repaid any amount in a period of about 6 months, and you have been helped many many times. I have not done wrong to you and now I am seeing how you truly are. You are not being released from this project because we are seeking to harm you, but you are the one who has violated our agreements over and over and over again. You are not owed any compensation, no compensation for release from this project was ever part of our written agreement. It is not the right thing for you to get compensation for a release that is due to your own behavior. My heart breaks for this, I have done so much for you and you have abused me and taken my friendship for granted. Godfrey, I pray that you take personal responsibility for you your bad behavior and I pray that you will repent and start to do the right things. I wish no bad on your family and I hope that God helps you to become a better man. As for now, you have shown me the kind of person you are and I am now in I am in communication with my Lawyer and my lawyer will representing me in this issue with you. Anymore conversation about this should go through my lawyer. Edward: +* * *
It sounds like you have a complex issue involving a breach of agreement and refusal to return property. Based on what you've shared, it might be helpful to ensure that you have all relevant documentation, such as the written agreement and any communication records.
Is the agreement you mentioned in writing, and does it detail the conditions for termination and use of the items?
This is a message that my employer sent me what should I do?
You should consider the following steps:
- Review Agreement: Ensure you have a copy of the written agreement, detailing the terms and conditions, including any clauses about termination and use of the items.
- Gather Evidence: Collect all relevant communication records, including messages and witness statements.
- Contact a Lawyer: Given the complexity and potential legal ramifications, consult with a lawyer to understand your rights and obligations.
Would you like more information on how to find a lawyer in your area?
This man has not been paying me
Godfrey, it sounds like you have a serious issue with non-payment and property disputes. To help you better, could you please tell me your location? This will allow me to provide more specific guidance and resources.
Godfrey, it sounds like you have a strong case involving non-payment and property disputes. Here are some steps you can take:
- Document Everything: Keep records of all communications, agreements, and any evidence of non-payment.
- Report the Issue: Contact your local labor office or the Uganda Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development.
Would you like more information on legal aid services in Uganda?
~Uganda Legal Aid Services
Phone: +* * * *
Address: Plot *, Lumumba Avenue, P.O. Box *, Kampala, Uganda
Website: [Uganda Law Society](
Would you like more detailed information on any specific steps or additional resources?
Can this man win me because I have helped him alot
Godfrey, the situation involves a mix of employment and property disputes. While your assistance and past relationship with the person might be relevant, the legal outcome will depend on the written agreements and evidence you have. Here are some points to consider:
- Written Agreement: Ensure you have the written agreement detailing the terms of property use and employment.
- Non-Payment: Document any non-payment issues clearly.
- Legal Aid: Contact the Uganda Legal Aid Services for detailed guidance.
Would you like to know more about potential defenses or strategies?
Where is the labour office
~Uganda Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development
Phone: +* * * *
Address: Plot *-*, Apollo Kaggwa Road, P.O.Box *, Kampala, Uganda
Website: [Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development](
Would you like more information on filing a complaint or any other specific steps?