Vehicle Co Signer Dispute


Your boss took a vehicle co-signed for business use, which you paid for, and fired you. Without a written agreement, consider filing a police report for unauthorized use and consult a local attorney for potential civil action.

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My boss co-signed for me a vehicle to use for his business while I paid the bank note and insurance. Along with the upkeep. After about a year and half he decided he didn’t want to be the co-signer anymore so he took the truck which is in my name and fired me. I need help figuring this out.
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. To provide the most accurate information, I need to know your location. Also, do you have any written agreement or contract regarding this vehicle and your boss's co-signer status?
Alexandria and no written agreement or contract
Hello ****,
From your location in Alexandria, Virginia, it seems you may have a case of wrongful possession. Here are some steps you can take:
*. File a police report for stolen property.
*. Consider a civil lawsuit for wrongful possession.
Remember, it's important to consult with a local attorney for advice tailored to your situation.
Alexandria Louisiana
Hello ****, given your location in Alexandria, Louisiana, here are some potential steps you might consider:
*. File a police report for unauthorized use of your vehicle.
*. Consult with a local attorney about potential civil action for wrongful termination or breach of an oral contract.