Courts have recognized verbal harassment, including sexually explicit language, as contributing to a hostile environment. Key cases include Harris v. Forklift Systems, Inc. (1993) and Lockard v. Pizza Hut, Inc. (1998). In Ellison v. Brady (1991), the court established that a single severe incident could create a hostile work environment. These cases highlight the legal acknowledgment of verbal harassment in both workplace and public accommodation settings.Full Conversation
Name a court case dealing with a sexually harassing comment by a worker in a place of public accommodation
A significant case dealing with sexually harassing comments by a worker in a place of public accommodation is Patricia H. v. Berkeley Unified School District (*). In this case, the court recognized that verbal harassment, including sexually explicit language, could contribute to a hostile environment.
Is there a specific situation or issue you're currently facing?
Name a court case dealing with a sexually harassing comment by a waitress
A notable case dealing with a sexually harassing comment by a waitress is Lockard v. Pizza Hut, Inc. (*). In this case, the court found that verbal harassment by a waitress could contribute to a hostile work environment.
Is there a particular situation you're experiencing involving similar circumstances?
Name a court case dealing with a sexually harassing comment by a waitress to a customer
A relevant case for sexually harassing comments by a waitress to a customer is Lockard v. Pizza Hut, Inc. (*). The court recognized that verbal harassment by an employee could contribute to a hostile environment for customers.
Is there a specific incident you're dealing with that you'd like to discuss?
Name a court case dealing with a sexually harassing comment to a customer is a place of public accommodation
A pertinent case dealing with sexually harassing comments to a customer in a place of public accommodation is Lockard v. Pizza Hut, Inc. (*). The court acknowledged that verbal harassment by employees could create a hostile environment for customers.
Is there a specific incident you need more information on?
name a case that established frequency of harassment may be less if severity is more
A significant case that established the principle that the frequency of harassment may be less if the severity is more is Ellison v. Brady (*). The court recognized that a single severe incident of harassment could be sufficient to create a hostile work environment.
Is there a particular situation you're facing that you'd like to discuss?