Wrongful Termination Case Analysis


The user, a former Manager of Patient Financial Services at Ozarks Healthcare in Missouri, believes they were wrongfully terminated. They reported their director to HR for creating a hostile work environment, bullying, and harassment. They also filed a formal grievance. However, they were terminated before a resolution was reached. The user has documented evidence of the directors behavior and believes the termination was retaliation for their complaints. They did not receive any written documentation regarding their termination or the grievance they filed.

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I was terminated yesterday and I think I have a case for wrongful termination
Can you provide more details about the circumstances of your termination? This will help me understand if you might have a case for wrongful termination.
Approximatly * weeks ago I notifed HR that my director was creating a hostile work environment, bullying me, and harassing me. I also filed a formal grievance with the organization. But, before there was a resolution my director and the Vice president terminated me.
What state are you located in? This will help me provide you with the relevant laws and regulations regarding wrongful termination.
What was the reason given for your termination? In Missouri, employment is generally "at will", but exceptions exist for cases of discrimination or retaliation.
My director said that "this isn't working", and I resisted working with her. But, in reality, I think she terminated me because I filed a grievance against her and also went to HR over her behavior and bullying
Did you receive any written documentation or emails regarding your termination or the grievance you filed? This could be crucial evidence. In Missouri, retaliation for filing a grievance is illegal.
No I did not
Did you have any witnesses or any other form of evidence to support your claim of a hostile work environment and retaliation?
People were present but I do not know if anyone will come forward for fear of being targeted or retaliated against.
Did you document any incidents of harassment or bullying, such as dates, times, locations, and what was said or done?
What is the nature of the evidence you have documented?
I documented conversations I had with my director. I documented how my director told one of my co-workers that I disappeared on the job, this is defamation, and she discussed my performance with my co-worker
What is the name and location of the organization you were working for? This will help me provide you with the relevant contact details of the nearest court.
Ozarks Healthcare West Plains MO, *
Did you report these incidents to HR or any other authority in your organization? In Missouri, employers are prohibited from retaliating against employees who report workplace harassment or discrimination.
Did you receive any response or follow-up from HR or any other authority after you reported these incidents?
That they were going to investigate
What was the outcome of the investigation by HR?
They did not tell me the outcome
What was the timeline between your report to HR and your termination? This could be crucial in establishing a retaliation claim.
approximately * weeks
Did you receive any formal warnings or performance improvement plans before your termination?
I requested a performance improvement plan and a job descriptions but was denied both.
Did you receive any written communication about the denial of your request for a performance improvement plan and job description?
What was your job title and what were your responsibilities at Ozarks Healthcare?
Manager of patient financial services
Did you have an employment contract or were you part of a union? This could affect your rights and the process for addressing wrongful termination.
What was the nature of the hostile work environment created by your director?
intimidation, harassment, defamation, bullying, targeting me, etc
Did you seek any legal advice or representation after your termination?
That is what I am currently doing
What specific actions did your director take that you believe constituted intimidation, harassment, defamation, and bullying?
She told me she spoke with the company controller and the controller told her to go to the vice president to "discuss what to do with me", She demanded that I stop rounding with my staff in the mornings and wouldn't allow me to let my staff help on projects. She tried to segregate me from my staff.
Did you experience any form of discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin during your employment?