Employer Discrimination During Interview


In Michigan, employers generally cannot ask about physical attributes like weight during interviews unless its a bona fide occupational qualification. If the weight doesnt affect job performance, it could be a violation. Steps to take include consulting an employment lawyer, filing a complaint with the EEOC, or considering a lawsuit. Each situation is unique and should be evaluated individually.

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so my husband had an interview today via video and they asked his weight and height and they kinda discriminated against him for his weight
I'm sorry to hear about your husband's experience. In Michigan, it's generally considered inappropriate for employers to ask about an individual's physical attributes during an interview. However, these laws vary depending on the job requirements. Can you provide more information about the job he was interviewing for?
it was a pest control company
Thanks for sharing, ****. In Michigan, it's generally unlawful for employers to discriminate based on physical characteristics, unless it's a bona fide occupational qualification. If the weight doesn't affect the job performance, it could potentially be a violation. Is there more information you need?
so there isnt anything we can do
Actually, ****, there are steps you can take. You can:
- Consult with an employment lawyer.
- File a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
- Consider filing a lawsuit, if necessary.
Remember, each situation is unique and should be evaluated individually.
okay thank you
You're welcome, ****! If you have any other questions or need further clarification, don't hesitate to ask. I'm here to help.
do you think in your personal opinion it is worth it
As a legal information service, I don't provide personal opinions. However, if you feel your rights have been violated, it's important to consult with a professional who can provide legal advice based on your specific circumstances. It's always worth exploring your options.