Illegal Recording At Work


In Florida, recording conversations without the consent of all parties is illegal under Florida Statute § 934.03. Violations can lead to criminal penalties and civil liability under Florida Statute § 934.10. If you believe you have a case, consult an employment attorney specializing in privacy rights for tailored legal advice.

Full Conversation

I had an employee record me illegally and without my consent and now HR is investigating me.
Hello ****, could you please provide your location? The laws related to recording conversations vary by jurisdiction, so this information will help me guide you better.
Hello ****. In Florida, it's considered a violation of the law to record a conversation without the consent of all parties involved.
- Florida Statute § *.*: Unlawful interception, disclosure, or use of wire, oral, or electronic communications.

If found guilty, it could lead to criminal penalties.
I need legal advice to see if i have a lawsuit
Hello ****, based on the details you've provided it appears you may have a case. Here are key points to consider:
- Florida's wiretapping law is a "two-party consent" law.
- Violation can lead to civil liability (Florida Statute § *.*).
Please consult with a local attorney for advice tailored to your specific situation.
What type of attourney should i speak to?
You should consult with an employment attorney who specializes in privacy rights. They can help navigate your situation and provide legal advice specific to your case.