Unpaid Wages After Termination


Employers in New Mexico are required to pay final wages by the next regular payday. Withholding wages is typically illegal unless court-ordered. Contact the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions for help.

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Hello Dillon, I'm here to assist you with your legal concerns. Could you please provide me with more information about your situation?
I got fired and my boss says he is keeping his check.
Hello Dillon, I'm sorry you are experiencing this. Would you please let me know where you are located so I can provide you with the most accurate information?
New mexico
Hello Dillon, that sounds like a tough situation.
In New Mexico:
- Employers are required to pay final wages by the next regular payday.
- Withholding wages is typically illegal unless court-ordered.
You may want to contact the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions for help.