Employee Accommodation Legal Guide


Determine if the employees condition qualifies as a disability under ADA or Californias FEHA. Explore reasonable accommodations and document all discussions and decisions. Consult an employment attorney for specific advice.

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Employee submitted doctors note that has restrictions for lifting and long sitting but her job duties do not require this. She is not doing duties that do not fall under heavy lifting and prolonged sitting. What can we do?
Hello ****,
In Texas, it's important to:
- Determine if the employee's condition qualifies as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- If it does, explore reasonable accommodations for the employee.
- Document all discussions and decisions pertaining to this matter.
Remember, always consult with an employment attorney for specific advice.
Located in California.
Hello ****, as you're in California, you should:
- Check if the employee's condition falls under the ADA or California's FEHA.
- Explore reasonable accommodations, if needed.
- Document all related discussions and decisions.
- Consult an employment attorney for more specific advice.