Grave Relocation Legalities Florida


In Florida, cemetery corporations can remove remains under specific conditions, but consent from the next of kin may be required. Consult a local attorney for detailed advice.

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My cousin had my deceased mothers resting place moved and i was not informed. Is thst legal ?
Hello ****. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In many jurisdictions, it's illegal to move a deceased person's resting place without consent from next of kin. Can you please tell me your location to provide more specific info?
Hello ****. In Florida:
- Cemetery corporations have the right to remove remains under certain conditions.
- Consent from next of kin may be required.
Please consult a local attorney for a more detailed understanding.
Ok ty
Hello ****. I'm glad I could provide some guidance. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask. Take care!